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Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread  

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Andre Costa (makerbymistake)
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

Chat dude told me my early June order is just waiting in the queue. I asked if anything could be holding it and he said nope, everything is in order and just in the queue.

I'll try to sit tight and wait. When I put in the order it had an estimate of late September so I guess I would still be getting it "early" if they ship it within "Late August" 🙂

This post was modified před 5 years 2 times by Andre Costa (makerbymistake)
Napsal : 25/08/2020 8:18 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Was there any accessories, options or filament on the order?

If this table is correct you should get shipping notification soon.

Napsal : 25/08/2020 9:00 pm
Pablo Simone
Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Why you wait time is so long?? from early June to late September? 12 weeks?

Napsal : 25/08/2020 9:29 pm
Andre Costa (makerbymistake)
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @pablosimone


Why you wait time is so long?? from early June to late September? 12 weeks?

Back in early June, when I placed that order, they were estimating it was going to be shipped in September. They have since changed that to late August

Napsal : 25/08/2020 9:37 pm
Matt Boyer
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

My order from 6-27 has not shipped.  As noted earlier my original ship date estimate was late September, so I'm not upset if it ships sooner than that.  If an order from 6-30 already shipped, it's an outlier imo.  I think they group a lot of orders by country so that could be the reason an order ships sooner or later than it's place in line.

Napsal : 26/08/2020 3:47 pm
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

I do have a question does ordering more stuff with your mini make it delayed? Also does the color matter how long it takes. Just curious and was thinking( sorry I do logistics for a living so always thinking like that)

Napsal : 26/08/2020 5:13 pm
Andre Costa (makerbymistake)
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

Just got my tracking number. Order placed on June 6th and tracking number sent August 26th.

I updated the spreadsheet for those still following, but to be honest, you can just follow the official shipping table

Napsal : 26/08/2020 5:13 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


So you speak to Prusa one day, and get the shipping notice the next, Hmm!

Probably a coincidence as you were due.



Prusa `ship complete` so if any items are out of stock, then yes it will delay our order.

When I ordered mine, I ordered just the basic Mini, no options and no filament to try and prevent this.

Then ordered the Prusament I wanted on a separate order. Checking now the Orange PLA is out of stock, last week the Galaxy black was out of stock, so I am glad I did. Even if I  end up paying more for postage.

Napsal : 26/08/2020 6:30 pm
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


That what i did. I just order the mini and later on ill order some filament. I got plenty but would like to try pursament 

Napsal : 26/08/2020 6:32 pm
Matt Boyer
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

They set aside filament for on hold orders.  The Mini I received last week included Galaxy Purple, and some other colors that haven't been in stock lately.  They definitely set aside my filament, which I appreciate.

Napsal : 26/08/2020 7:14 pm
Pablo Simone
Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread



I also did that.

Napsal : 26/08/2020 7:17 pm
Andre Costa (makerbymistake)
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @chillygeo


So you speak to Prusa one day, and get the shipping notice the next, Hmm!

Probably a coincidence as you were due.


Right, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and call it a coincidence.

Napsal : 26/08/2020 8:10 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


It is a coincidence.  Although, it odd how often someone reports something similar.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 26/08/2020 8:13 pm
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


What do you mean by that? That someone contacts them and then they get a shipping number? 


That kinda odd.

Napsal : 26/08/2020 8:15 pm
Matt Boyer
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

I tend to think it's about 70% coincidence.  If a product is scheduled to ship on a certain week, and you happen to inquire about it that week or the week after, I'm not surprised you'd hear it's about to go out the door.  And it also wouldn't surprise me if your inquiry prompts them to double-check on your order and make sure it's not stuck on some glitch.  Either way, politely contacting customer service ensures your order is progressing.

Napsal : 26/08/2020 10:35 pm
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

Delivered on Tuesday. Some testprints completed. (Nut & Bolt).

I'm amazed how quiet the printer is.

Napsal : 27/08/2020 8:13 am
Mike Gann
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

Received shipping notice for MINI ordered June 15th.

Napsal : 28/08/2020 12:05 am
New Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

Hmm I ordered mine June the 6th. No shipping information.

Napsal : 28/08/2020 1:44 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Sorry if I missed it, but is your review out yet?

Thinking  about getting a second textured PEI for PETG.


right now (for the next 15 hours) the TriangleLabs in on sale for 20$

Napsal : 28/08/2020 3:09 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread



Just got my shipping notice, ordered 10th July, should be delivered on Thursday 🙂  

This post was modified před 5 years by ChillyPenguin
Napsal : 31/08/2020 5:13 pm
Stránka 199 / 241