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Prominent Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

I'm having trouble figuring out how to go to the first unread post in a topic. I can see which topics have new messages by the bolding of the topic name in the forum list, but there doesn't seem to be a way to click something and jump to the first unread post. Also, when reading a topic that has some read and some unread posts, I'm not sure how I identify the new posts without having to remember when I last read that topic and looking at the post timestamps...

Am I missing something?

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Publié : 24/04/2019 5:05 pm
LeeM et Pbelcomp ont aimé
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

1) Photos and images did not migrate properly, and images with the same file name are comically messed up; makes the historical use of the forum pointless.  This is a huge fail on Prusa's part.

2) Intuitive account migration? No. Easy? Not really.  It took a while to figure out the process to gain access to my old forum account. I tried the reset password. It said it had sent me an email, but had not. I waited about 30 minutes and nada.  I eventually found text that explained I had to "restablish and link my accounts" ... well, I finally got the passwords figured out (I had two for Prusa) and succeeded in linking. 

3) I can log in, but not post new topics. Replies work, but not new posts. This issue continues today.

4) When I finally was able to log in this morning (required several attempts - all with failed credentials, then worked with no changes on my parts (or perhaps my third attempt with a possibly different password - I used to have two passwords for Prusa - one for the store and one for the forum - security and all). But when I got logged in, I was sent to the English forum (as I expect): but got this until I manually selected English forums. 

5) Adding an image is a VERY PAINFUL process... you drag an image in, you are redirected to a different page, and no navigation marks to show how to get back to your post, and if you "back" into the post, the image you just uploaded is gone. Adding an image with the attach button only lets you think you uploaded because if you try to do anything with the file it disappears.  I can't seem to attach an image here. 

6) +1 for the white space complaint: I got a large high resolution monitor so I can display a lot of information at once. I do not use a phone and need information selected for me, nor do I need or want information beautified before presentation.

7) The forum is very sssssslllllllllllooooooowwwwwwwww.... wait, what was I talking about?

Whoever designed this forum did so for reasons other than information sharing and helpfulness.

I would have posted an image here of my landing page CZ versions - but I can't upload images ... lol.  That's going to be very handy when asking others for images of bad prints.


Publié : 24/04/2019 5:18 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

And - guess what - you can't edit your post unless you do so within a couple minutes.

Publié : 24/04/2019 5:24 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

1) Photos and images did not migrate properly, and images with the same file name are comically messed up; makes the historical use of the forum pointless.  This is a huge fail on Prusa's part.

2) Intuitive account migration? No. Easy? Not really.  It took a while to figure out the process to gain access to my old forum account. I tried the reset password. It said it had sent me an email, but had not. I waited about 30 minutes and nada.  I eventually found text that explained I had to "restablish and link my accounts" ... well, I finally got the passwords figured out (I had two for Prusa) and succeeded in linking. 

3) I can log in, but not post new topics. Replies work, but not new posts. This issue continues today.

4) When I finally was able to log in this morning (required several attempts - all with failed credentials, then worked with no changes on my parts (or perhaps my third attempt with a possibly different password - I used to have two passwords for Prusa - one for the store and one for the forum - security and all). But when I got logged in, I was sent to the English forum (as I expect): but got the Czech forum - I then manually selected English forums and was where I wanted to be. 

5) Adding an image is a VERY PAINFUL process... you drag an image in, you are redirected to a different page, and no navigation marks to show how to get back to your post, and if you "back" into the post, the image you just uploaded is gone. Adding an image with the attach button only lets you think you uploaded because if you try to do anything with the file it disappears.  I can't seem to attach an image here. 

6) +1 for the white space complaint: I got a large high resolution monitor so I can display a lot of information at once. I do not use a phone and need information selected for me, nor do I need or want information beautified before presentation.

7) The forum randomly formats the look - some forums are more compact than other, and navigating when the location of tools and controls are moving around between pages is just poor UI design. Unless reducing ease of use was the goal, this too is a fail.

8) The forum is very sssssslllllllllllooooooowwwwwwwww.... wait, what was I talking about?

Whoever designed this forum did so for reasons other than information sharing and helpfulness.

I would have posted an image here of my landing page CZ versions - but I can't upload images ... lol.  That's going to be very handy when asking others for images of bad prints.


Publié : 24/04/2019 5:25 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

And it is very easy to make duplicate entries .... woot .... FTW!

Publié : 24/04/2019 5:25 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

How were you able to upload an image?

Publié : 24/04/2019 5:26 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

And there is no context difference between replying to a post and just adding a new reply.  Cool.

Publié : 24/04/2019 5:27 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!


Publié : 24/04/2019 5:29 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

Oh - did I mention my personal list of posts show nothing to do with the topic or if there have been any replies?  They instead show the first words of the post I made ... 

As an aside, going to try uploading a file again. [choose file] ... I now see [choose file] filename ... so now I'll hit [Add Topic] (any other action and the filename goes away).

Attachment removed
ps: Hey - it worked; but certainly doesn't place it inline as an image, only a link.
Adding an image via the [pic] tools is a fail: what does SOURCE mean?  I assume it is looking for a URL. No navigation available, apparently images from disk aren't allowed.
Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years 2 fois par --
Publié : 24/04/2019 5:37 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

Can someone point to a USER MANUAL for this new forum?

Publié : 24/04/2019 5:41 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

Here's an example of the image transfer FIASCO.  The image shown in the post is not the one in the previous forum version. 


I'm thinking the image in the new forum is the first CAPTURE.JPG I ever uploaded.  And it is now in just about every one of my migrated posts where I uploaded a screen clip named capture.jpg.

Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par --
Publié : 24/04/2019 5:45 pm
Noble Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!
Posted by: tim.m30

And - guess what - you can't edit your post unless you do so within a couple minutes.

Actually I like that, but I've been in forums where people of abused the edit function.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 24/04/2019 5:46 pm
Noble Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!
Posted by: tim.m30

Oh - did I mention my personal list of posts show nothing to do with the topic or if there have been any replies?  They instead show the first words of the post I made ... 

As an aside, going to try uploading a file again. [choose file] ... I now see [choose file] filename ... so now I'll hit [Add Topic] (any other action and the filename goes away).

Attachment removed
ps: Hey - it worked; but certainly doesn't place it inline as an image, only a link.
Adding an image via the [pic] tools is a fail: what does SOURCE mean?  I assume it is looking for a URL. No navigation available, apparently images from disk aren't allowed.

Yeah it wants a URL. In my previous reply with a screen shot I posted it with the attachment, copied the URL for the attachment, and then edited the post to add the image so it was visible. Not user friendly at all.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 24/04/2019 5:48 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!
Posted by: gnat
Posted by: tim.m30

Oh - did I mention my personal list of posts show nothing to do with the topic or if there have been any replies?  They instead show the first words of the post I made ... 

As an aside, going to try uploading a file again. [choose file] ... I now see [choose file] filename ... so now I'll hit [Add Topic] (any other action and the filename goes away).

Attachment removed
ps: Hey - it worked; but certainly doesn't place it inline as an image, only a link.
Adding an image via the [pic] tools is a fail: what does SOURCE mean?  I assume it is looking for a URL. No navigation available, apparently images from disk aren't allowed.

Yeah it wants a URL. In my previous reply with a screen shot I posted it with the attachment, copied the URL for the attachment, and then edited the post to add the image so it was visible. Not user friendly at all.

I am sure Prusa had valid reasons to do the change - but this forum app is broken, will not serve them well: it certainly fails at letting users help other users.  I can't find any of the topics I was participating in, and honestly can't recall from a few words a prior post is related to a particular discussion topic.

As a past (retired) Software Product Manager for an Engineering Tool, very keen on usability, these sorts of choices where purpose and usability are thrown out the window make me crazy.  Learning curve aside, this forum is not a functional replacement for what Prusa had.

Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par --
Publié : 24/04/2019 5:54 pm
Noble Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

I don't remember spam from the old forum 🙁


Attachment removed
MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 24/04/2019 6:16 pm
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

Oh, it was there all right; the mods were usually just quick about cleaning it up. I had reported several such posts. 

PR should look into a honeypot plugin for the forum; Doing that stops most spambots from even registering because they will trip flags like registering in under a second and modifying hidden fields that no real user ever sees.

The tiny few that got through on another forum I maintain are then caught by a few custom image CAPTCHAs. We used to have Re and Key-captcha but those are big targets and bots have found ways to bypass and validate against them pretty easily, so they just annoy users for little gain.

The PR forum might be big enough that it's still an appealing target though... so you'd likely have to rotate them regularly. 


Publié : 24/04/2019 6:25 pm
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

As for the usability comments:

Ugh, this appears to be a forum built on wordPress for SSO convenience. That probably explains a lot... 

Publié : 24/04/2019 6:29 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

It's a bit bright!, can the white be turned down to something less retina burning.

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Publié : 24/04/2019 8:27 pm
Estimable Member
It can only get better...

1. Dates are mangled - I saw one post from 49 years ago!

2. No search function that I can find.

3. Text is being overwritten in message headers.

4. +1 for too bright!!

5. Images are missing from posts.

6. I logged on an got all languges and had to find the English version.

7. There is too much white space. Perhaps it is fine on a phone or tablet but I have more empty space than text on my hires monitor.

8. The good news for last...The speed appears fine for me.


Publié : 24/04/2019 9:04 pm
RE: Welcome to our new forum! Feedback here!

Speed is fine.  Is the intent to return to the old post counts?  I would recommend more useful member list.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 24/04/2019 10:20 pm
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