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Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+  

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RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+

I just contacted support. They're not willing to give people the new Minda for free if the only issue you're having with it is having to adjust the live Z before every print.

Postato : 25/11/2020 7:07 pm
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Posted by: @tracy

I just contacted support. They're not willing to give people the new Minda for free if the only issue you're having with it is having to adjust the live Z before every print.

I think you mean PINDA probe.  That is unfortunate, but expected.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 25/11/2020 7:31 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


Most people will probably have to bite into the sour apple. The user will probably have to pay for the spare part himself, unless it is a warranty case.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Postato : 25/11/2020 8:35 pm
Josiah hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Posted by: @texy

Only 3 wires as it doesn’t have the thermistor signal wire. I’d be surprised if it is totally compatible with the existing MINDA without new firmware to support it. 

4.3 is the firmware for the Mini+. 

Postato : 25/11/2020 8:37 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Posted by: @gardiner
Posted by: @texy

Only 3 wires as it doesn’t have the thermistor signal wire. I’d be surprised if it is totally compatible with the existing MINDA without new firmware to support it. 

4.3 is the firmware for the Mini+. 

Right, so where can download it ?


Postato : 25/11/2020 8:47 pm
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


When it is ready, it will be posted here:

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 25/11/2020 8:50 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Posted by: @cwbullet


When it is ready, it will be posted here:

Only when it’s released version. I’d get it via GitHub quicker 😉

Postato : 25/11/2020 9:10 pm
Gordon W
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


That's what I understood, but on the live stream tonight they said it would work with the current firmware.

Postato : 25/11/2020 9:30 pm
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


Maybe if you want the test version.  I will wait for the final version.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 25/11/2020 9:37 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


Yes that was my bad I thought it was 4 because of the flat connector.


Did they say something about firmware? I must have missed it.

Original Prusa Mini + Smooth PEI
Prusa Slicer 2.6.0

Postato : 26/11/2020 12:27 am
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+

As I understood it the new firmware for the Mini would be released in a week or so...

The new SuperPinda probe works like the original 3 pin MK2 probe (this is the one on the Mini) but with minimal temperature drift. This was made possible with better quality components in the probe and to a higher price tag - this is also partly why the Mini will be prices higher from now.
This also means that the SuperPinda is a direct replacement for the current M.I.N.D.A probe.

Have a look at my models on 😉

Postato : 26/11/2020 12:33 am
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


That is how I understand it. It is a direct replacement for a MINDA or PINDA.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 26/11/2020 12:44 am
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+

@cwbullet I know this is a Mini forum, but on the MK2.5S/MK3S a firmware update is needed for the SuperPinda to work correctly (version 3.9.2). No changes needed to use MMU2S.

Have a look at my models on 😉

Postato : 26/11/2020 12:51 am
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


I do not think so considering they are already arriving with this new PINDA

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 26/11/2020 1:00 am
Active Member
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


I would think that it will work like the Minda(no temp) on the current firmware. The 4.3 software will allow the Pinda to provide temp data to the mini. That way they can ship a mini with a Super Pinda and it will still print with 4.2. 

Postato : 26/11/2020 1:06 am
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


Who knows until someone tests it?  Anything else is conjecture.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 26/11/2020 1:10 am
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


The SuperPinda has no temperature meassurement, it is internally compensated. It looks like MINDA but works better 😉
The Mini 4.3 firmware has other improvements like sheets (as on MK3).

Have a look at my models on 😉

Postato : 26/11/2020 1:12 am
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


And how do you know this?  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 26/11/2020 1:12 am
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+


On PrusaLive they talked about MK3S+ has new firmware and that there will be a common firmware base for MK2.5 all the way up to MK3S+.

Have a look at my models on 😉

Postato : 26/11/2020 1:14 am
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+

There is this blog post about the SuperPinda and other new announcements: November 2020 Update: Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ and MINI+ now shipping, MINI+ kit in the works, new steel sheet available

Have a look at my models on 😉

Postato : 26/11/2020 1:19 am
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