Print head moves way off path in middle of print
Suddenly printer is moving off on x and y axis by a lot mid print then back to print, I’ve not changed anything, not updated, using a file that printed fine before and is on the card, it’s like it’s gone off for a walk that’s got nothing to do with the job. I’m a low tech user, ie not savvy with terminology. Any ideas what I should do. Thanks
Probably gcode file corruption on pendrive or in the memory of the board.
If the issue does not happen on the next print then you were lucky to have a printer board to be hit by something like a cosmic rays which triggered bit flip. Tis usually disappears after powering down device for 5min.
If the issue happens (also after powering off printer for 5 minutes) then may be a bit flip on the corrupted storage (pendrive).
You could do a binary comparison of the file on the disk and on the pendrive to see if they differ, if so then usually pendrive has issues, usually after some time and higher temperatures they tend to wear out.
Check pendrive for errors, wipe it via full format and write source gcode files again.
It that does not help then replace pendrive with different one.
If the issue persists then time to talk to the producer if your printer is still under warranty.
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.
RE: Print head moves way off path in middle of print
Thanks so much for your reply, I understand what to do, your explanation was so clear and helpful, I will try all of these. I do love the mini and want to get it back in top form. Thanks