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Order not shipped on time  

Active Member
Order not shipped on time

I bought the mini+ kit on November 2nd. When I bought it, it said 2-4 weeks lead time on the product page. I bought it with confidence. 1 week after I bought it, I saw that it said 8-10 weeks on the product page. So I sent an email on November 11 and asked if this new leadtime has affected me. Nikola Ryšavá from the Prusa team replied to me and said that the new leadtime does not affect me and will be sent within 14 days. However, last week, when I asked about the status of my order from live support, they sent me a help page link and mentioned that the time was extended. I was about to cancel my order last week, but something happened. This phrase was added to my order page: Scheduled shipping: within a week from 22.11.2021. So I started waiting again. Since the week they just mentioned was about to end, I was connected to live support again. They gave me annoying answers again and said that I was misinformed. They could cancel my order if I wanted. Of course, they will cancel my order if I want to, but what about the 4 weeks I've been waiting? Is it my fault that I believe the Prusa brand and their promises? I like the Prusa brand, but I was very disappointed in this amateurish process. As a result, I will wait until the end of this week and if they don't I will cancel.


Veröffentlicht : 25/11/2021 7:40 pm
raew gefällt das
RE: Order not shipped on time

Contact support via Chat.  They do not read the forum.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2021 12:26 am
languer gefällt das
Honorable Member
RE: Order not shipped on time


Posted by: @cwbullet

Contact support via Chat.  They do not read the forum.  

He did that without much success. I think OP is sharing his experience for  others to read.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2021 9:15 am
BTR3D gefällt das

I know that.  

@Batur This is common.  The bottom line is gaining allies on the forum will only add to your anxiety.  I would keep talking to support.  They will help clear the air.  I suspect that are having problems getting parts right now.  

You are still on the 2-4 week window and the week from 11-22-22 will not end till 29 NOV.  

Posted by: @bogdanh


Posted by: @cwbullet

Contact support via Chat.  They do not read the forum.  

He did that without much success. I think OP is sharing his experience for  others to read.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2021 10:42 am
MysDawg gefällt das
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Order not shipped on time

If there is a stock problem, how they can send pre assembled mini in 2 week? I dont understand, using different parts?

also I canceled the order.  I bouhth it local seller. 

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2021 7:51 pm
RE: Order not shipped on time

The kits are in stock, btu they are not built and waiting on the shelves.  Hopefully, you enjoy your locally purchased printer.  

Posted by: @batur

If there is a stock problem, how they can send pre assembled mini in 2 week? I dont understand, using different parts?

also I canceled the order.  I bouhth it local seller. 


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2021 8:41 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Order not shipped on time

You are absolutely wrong. the exact opposite. see product pages.

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2021 8:44 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Order not shipped on time

Also thank you

Veröffentlicht : 26/11/2021 8:45 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Order not shipped on time

Glad to read that I’m not alone with poor user experience during shopping, with Prusa not being able to fulfill availability and delivery promises stated in their eShop. Another data point to support my suspicion that Prusa has not yet fully managed the transformation from a basement tinkerer to a professional company:

Hardware quality and marketing are there, Software and support are partly lacking and logistics and process transparency seem to lag behind significantly, especially under load.

And please save me the reference to Corona-induced supply-chain problems: If an item is officially stated as in stock, coupled with a mentioned shipping time in x days, it is unacceptable to not having received the item after x * 2 days and not having gotten any notification about that, while support says something about troubles with parts sourcing (so what about that „item in stock“ moniker that made me order? Was that an outright lie?).

Veröffentlicht : 14/12/2021 2:33 am
BogdanH gefällt das
Distinctly Average
Eminent Member
RE: Order not shipped on time

I had the opposite experience. Expected 8 weeks but got it in 2. Great product and arrived well packaged a lot earlier than expected.

Veröffentlicht : 02/01/2022 2:13 am
Reputable Member

When I bought my Mini it went from 2 - 4 weeks to 4 - 6 months.  I was an early adopter so I was in the group just behind the initial testers of the Mini.  A problem was discovered that Prusa wanted to correct before shipping too many more, so my February delivery became a May delivery.  A few years earlier I had a similar thing with my I3 Mk 2 though that was simply due to overwhelming demand, Prusa simply couldn't keep up, so weeks became months.  All of this was before the supply line issues that seem to have sprung up over the last year or so, also remember a FAB in Taiwan burned down leading to a chip shortage all computerized devices require.

I chose to be patient and eventually go my printers.  I'm sure you will to.


Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2022 7:09 pm