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My Mini Prusa only lasted 2 DAYS!  

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Eminent Member
RE: My Mini Prusa only lasted 2 DAYS!


This just happened to my MINI tonight after less than 40 hours print time and I have not even printed anything that required more than 60% extension of X. Disappointing. I will be in touch with PRUSA shortly.


Publié : 28/12/2019 2:15 am
Prominent Member
RE: My Mini Prusa only lasted 2 DAYS!


Your Minda cable was also pinched by zip tie? 

Publié : 28/12/2019 4:14 am
Eminent Member
RE: My Mini Prusa only lasted 2 DAYS!


Yes. If I wiggle the cable at the top tie wrap, the sensor blinks off and on.

Publié : 28/12/2019 12:43 pm
Gabriel S
Trusted Member
RE: My Mini Prusa only lasted 2 DAYS!


It just happened to me as well. Fault was in roughly the same location. I'm getting a free replacement, but still.

EDIT: Roughly a dozen hours of print time, but I did extend to about 10% from the left edge a few times for a few prints. Still a significant fault.

Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par Gabriel S
Publié : 30/12/2019 11:27 pm
Eminent Member
RE: My Mini Prusa only lasted 2 DAYS!

Last night my Mini was unable to print. It could not get pass the mesh bed leveling. It would start the leveling but would just randomly jam up and the mesh leveling would not finish with the extruder not moving correctly in the proper position during the bed leveling.  I first thought I might have a bad MINDA probe but my symptoms did not match any of the symptoms reported here. I reset the printer and problem persisted. I then did a "test" printer and it failed during the X axis test. I eventually tried moving the extruder back and forth on the x axis rods (with the printer turned off) and found that it was almost impossible to move it. It was pretty much jamming when moving to the right. I tried adjusting the belt tension but that didn't help at all. I then decided to try "oiling" the x axis rods and after oiling and moving the extruder back and forth a lot, I found that the extruder started to move back and forth much better and was not getting stuck. I ran the self test and everything passed. I then ran two print jobs of about 2 hours each, and everything printed fine.

So, if anyone is having problems with the mesh bed leveling failing you might want to see if your extruder can move freely on the x axis rods. If not try oiling the rods and moving the extruder back and forth. I was not aware that I would have to oil the rods / bearings. Does anyone know if there is supposed to be any maintenance done to the rods/bearings? And if so what is the right way to maintain the rods / bearings? What type of oil / grease to use? I just used regular 3 in 1 household oil.

Publié : 01/01/2020 10:58 pm
Estimable Member
RE: My Mini Prusa only lasted 2 DAYS!

It gets me sick since this problem is as ols as prusa. Prusa thinks the oil the bearings are shipped to them is for lubrication. Bo its not. Even manufacturers write this on their product sheet that this oil is only for anti corrosive. You have to grease the bearings, prusa should do it.. had jammed y bearings ob my peusa mk3s after a month. Learned from it, and disassembles my mini xompletly before build, and packed all bearings full with grease before putting eberything back together.

Publié : 02/01/2020 6:31 am
Eminent Member
RE: My Mini Prusa only lasted 2 DAYS!

Prusa is sending me a new probe. I did a post mortem on the old one and found the blue sensor wire was broken in two places and one of those was not near a tie wrap. The blue wire is much smaller than the black or brown sensor wires in the same bundle. This looks like a supplier quality issue and I hope Prusa is on it. I was able to patch the breaks and the printer is running happily as I type.

Publié : 04/01/2020 1:37 am
Eminent Member
RE: My Mini Prusa only lasted 2 DAYS!

I also did this:

I did not want to put the Mini back together with the same problem. It is working well so far.

Publié : 04/01/2020 1:40 am
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