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Modifying STL files  

Eminent Member
Modifying STL files

I'm trying to modify an STL file before printing, linked below. I want to fill in the numbers and then hopefully subtract different numbers. I'm trying to use Fusion 360 but I cannot figure out how to do this. I've reviewed a few videos but as soon as they get to the second step, the options don't appear in my Fusion 360. 



Any recommendations how to do this would be greatly appreciated. 

Respondido : 20/04/2022 9:33 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Modifying STL files

create a blank model by filling in the numbers, 
then create a new model of just the numbers that you want for the new model. 

Load the blank model into prusa slicer, then right clock on the model and choose 'Add Negative Volume' select your number STL. and add that. 
then when you slice the resultant model, you will cut the numbers out of the 'Blank' model

Negative Volume

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 20/04/2022 10:24 pm
henrysilverio y me gusta
Famed Member
RE: Modifying STL files

My workflow for editing/remixing a .stl file is to read it into the Part workbench of FreeCAD, then convert mesh to shape, refine shape, and then convert to solid.

This results in a solid object that can then be edited, to an extent, using addition and subtraction in the Part workbench, or if needed, more detailed hacking with the Sketcher.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that if the .stl file is corrupt, as are many from that one site which begins with 'T' and ends with 'verse',  😉 one of the three conversions may fail with errors (if you are lucky), hang the program, or crash the program.  Selecting tools that can fix wonky .stl files is a whole other topic.

Respondido : 20/04/2022 11:28 pm
Noble Member



I don't use Fusion, so this might not help. I don't see any numbers in the file you linked either. It might be best if you try to do this In Blender, easy fix there, if you happen to have 3DS Max also an easy fix. Fusion seems to be an ok product but it's more of a solid modeling program, there is a .stl to solid feature avalable.

it's questionable in my opinion.

In blender which is free you can simply delete and create new faces to correct the problem. .stl and then use blender to create your boolean numbers or use negative volumes in Slicer to produce your desired result.

Here's an example file, if you can figure  it out your good to go.


Plain Baseball_Softball Gear Caddy_Swiss.Zip









The Filament Whisperer

Respondido : 21/04/2022 3:53 am
Noble Member
RE: Modifying STL files

Ran out of edit time, stupid ass forum crap, anyway took me 5 min to do this in 3DS Max.

The Filament Whisperer

Respondido : 21/04/2022 4:02 am
Eminent Member
RE: Modifying STL files

Also, while not free, Solidworks 2022 is using what it’s calling “Hybrid Modeling” to work with tessellated file formats like .stl. It’s available for $10/month or $100 year. 


Respondido : 21/04/2022 7:14 am
Honorable Member
Posted by: @fiber0pti

I'm trying to modify an STL file before printing, linked below. I want to fill in the numbers and then hopefully subtract different numbers. I'm trying to use Fusion 360 but I cannot figure out how to do this. I've reviewed a few videos but as soon as they get to the second step, the options don't appear in my Fusion 360. 


Fusion 360:

Open new file

In the top of the drop-down menu to the left, right-click on "Not saved" and choose "do not record construction" at the bottom of the list.

Switch to the "NET" tab.

In the NET tab, go to "insert" and select "insert net" - select the stl you want to import

In the NET tab, go to "change" and select "convert net". Select the net you just imported by clicking it in the left-hand drop-down menu under "bodies".

In the top of the drop-down menu to the left, right-click on "Not saved" and choose "record construction" at the bottom of the list.

You will then be able to select faces on the newly imported body; however even smooth sides of the object will be broken up in multiple faces.

You want to modify a certain side of the object (let´s call it "MS"). Rotate the object 90 degrees, select "create new drawing" and chose one of the faces on that side of the object which is 90 degrees off MS.

Cut the object with a defined distance, e.g. 1mm; you´re basically peeling off a 1mm layer from MS.

Close drawing. Rotate back to MS, extrude MS (which is one solid face now) for 1mm.

Then you can put a new drawing on MS (hit P to project MS into your drawing). Draw a square, extrude it through your holes in MS.

I have the German Fusion360 version so the names of the functions may differ.

I try to give answers to the best of my ability, but I am not a 3D printing pro by any means, and anything you do you do at your own risk. BTW: I have no food for…

Respondido : 21/04/2022 8:29 am
Famed Member
RE: Modifying STL files

For simple changes like this I tend to come back to Tinkercad (tinkercad.com), which is among all CAD software the simplest—but obviously also a lot more limited than say Fusion or Blender. But adding numbers to a model couldn't be any easier.


Whatever you decide to do, please keep in mind that text can be hard to print. Make sure your numbers and letters are wide enough. You don't want to join the army of people who post here every week under a heading like "Bug in Prusaslicer ! Text disappears". You don't have to open those posts to know what the answer is...

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 21/04/2022 11:23 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Modifying STL files

Thanks for all of the replies! Very good start. 

I'm running into a road block on every single suggestion. Here's where I'm at now: I have modified the file to have a solid face and back, effectively blank. Now I just need to get the number '35' in there. I've tried every application suggested above without success. With Fusion 360, the text won't extrude. Freecad, I can't figure anything out with that, no way to add objects. Blender was a good start for modeling '35' but only blender's font is available. 


I would love to finish this in Fusion 360 since it's almost there, I just can't get a model '35' or get the '35' excluded from the main object. 

Respondido : 21/04/2022 8:22 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Modifying STL files

Did you try negative volume in prusa slicer?

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 21/04/2022 10:17 pm
ZombiPach me gusta
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Modifying STL files


Posted by: @joantabb

Did you try negative volume in prusa slicer?

That is one of my next steps, I'm having trouble creating the object to subtract. Fusion 360 won't extrude text. In blender I tried to import an .svg created in Illustrator, but can't figure out how to extrude the .svg to have volume.

I'm going to be working on it tonight, a little burnt out after about 2 hours of trying to create a 3D '35' in a specific font. 

Respondido : 21/04/2022 10:35 pm
Noble Member
RE: Modifying STL files



You certainly have a learning curve to deal with relative to 3D modeling, all of these software's are capable of producing what you need, you just have to stick with it and learn one. I'd be happy to produce what you need to add as a negative volume, however I don't think I'd be doing you any favors by doing so, you really need to take the time pick one program and learn it, if you get in a pinch I will help though. I have and use Illustrator and several others professionally. it's worth taking the time, I also have in several cases extruded Illustrator .AI files in Blender and 3DS Max, and several other software's.



Pick a software and stick with it, it pays off in the end.


Good luck




The Filament Whisperer

Respondido : 22/04/2022 1:04 am
Famed Member

Fusion 360 won't extrude text

Of course, Fusion can extrude text. For a simple overview, check out https://all3dp.com/2/fusion-360-text-extrude-tutorial/. However, if you use custom fonts, some will NOT extrude because the font designers have left overlapping lines in the glyphs that the CAD software can't interpret. Now, I don't know if that's actually your issue without seeing the Fusion design but if it is, here's a solution: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fusion360/comments/q4fjgs/solution_found_for_problems_with_failure/

And as @swiss_cheese mentioned, any 3d software will have a learning curve, and a steep one at that. Just buckle up and hold on.


Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 22/04/2022 1:17 am
Noble Member
RE: Modifying STL files

Coupled with everything above, selecting the right font is important. Defiantly sans serif and preferably something like Osifont or Overpass.

Respondido : 22/04/2022 10:40 am
Chris Laudermilk
Estimable Member
RE: Modifying STL files

What fuschr said. Fusion360 absolutely will extrude text, I've done it. IIRC, I created a drawing on the face I wanted to cut the text out of. Then typed in the text and finished the drawing. Then selected the letter spaces and did an extrude & ran it negative to cut into the face. That's off memory--it didn't stick too well because it just worked. I think I spent more time getting the text flowing along a path than extruding.

Mini+ (kit) - Revo Micro | Antler Cooling | WiFi (4.4.0RC1)

Respondido : 22/04/2022 1:49 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

Success! I really appreciate everyone's help. So far I've learned to extrude an edge to resurface a part in Fusion 360, created a number '35' object in blender, and used it as a negative space in PrusaSlicer. Resulting slice attached. 

I think the problems I was running into with Fusion could have been the font. I will explore further. 

Respondido : 22/04/2022 4:13 pm
Noble Member
RE: Modifying STL files



Congrats, it looks clean.


Nice Job.



The Filament Whisperer

Respondido : 22/04/2022 6:49 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Modifying STL files

Satisfying, when you overcome a difficulty! 

Happy Printing


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 22/04/2022 8:54 pm