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Mini+ questions  

Eminent Member
Mini+ questions

I have caught the 3D printing bug hard again with the purchase of my new i3 Mk3S+.  I have an i3 Mk2 which I did an S upgrade to and I've been wanting to change the bed on it so I ordered the 2S to 2.5 upgrade which I saw was about to be archived and not sold anymore. 

I got started 3D printing several years ago by buying a very cheap rep-rap kit and then upgrading the heck out of it.   It turned into a back up machine and it is a great printer but I spend more time messing with it and the old glass bed has never been flat or sticks very well.  When I put in the time though I can make that printer sing. 

So I would like to add one of these Mini+ to my "farm".  I've no idea why.  I only print one thing at a time usually and there is no logical reason for me to own 3 or 4 printers other than I'm a hobbyist.  I have printed a couple things lately that have generated some interest which could be a little side money for me going into retirement. 

Enough back story.  My questions regarding the Mini+ are somewhat related to my RepRap.  I see that the Mini+ has a Bowden extruder and uses modified Marlin firmware.   This is similar to my RepRap.   While I like the Bowden I find it sometimes requires some time and is a real pain to clear when I mess with the retraction settings or forget to enable constant cooling on the fan and the material melts too high and clogs. 

Quite honestly the day I finished building my i3 Mk 2S I have just been using it.  It has NEVER clogged, never done anything.  I think I had to replace a Pinda probe on it once and that's been it. 

My experience with Bowden and Marlin firmware built RepRap has been one of constant tweaking and constant hot end unclogging and forever messing with the retraction settings even between different manufacturers of filament.   My compact Bowden also requires that I keep spare tube around and even fittings.

Can anyone alleviate my fears on the Mini+?   I'm so happy with the plug and play of the two i3's and I don't want to start down the path of having a printer that requires tons of intervention.  Also even though I mostly print with PLA I have been messing with Wood Filament lately but never ran any of that stuff through a Bowden.  Does the Mini+ handle other materials as well as the i3's?

Sorry to be long winded and generic.  Just looking for opinions and input and again, I don't NEED another printer........I just love having the latest and greatest for my hobby room.

This topic was modified před 4 years by hagensieker
Napsal : 14/12/2020 10:16 am
RE: Mini+ questions

Although not as easy as the MK3S, the mini is relatively easy to clear jams. 


You will love the printer.  I own 4 and 8 mk3s.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 14/12/2020 12:38 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mini+ questions
Posted by: @cwbullet

Although not as easy as the MK3S, the mini is relatively easy to clear jams. 


You will love the printer.  I own 4 and 8 mk3s.  

Wow.  12 printers.  I thought I had it bad 😀  Here's my rep-rap.  While it can print great I literally have to run a depth gauge around on the plate to get it ridiculously level on a somewhat irregular basis.  Soon as I lift the glass to clean I have to do it again.  I guess the glass just isn't that flat even turning it messes with things. 

Also as you can see I have a country mile of tube and if the nozzle clogs or the plastic gets too hot, too high because I apply too much retraction or not enough cooling I have to pull that blob back through that tube and it HURTS.

I love the printer and I Frankenstein'd it but I sure would like to slap a Mini+ in its place.   But Bowden's have been cumbersome at times with me. 

The biggest problem I have with the rep-rap is I don't use it much.  I remember how to dial it in and it does print REALLY NICE and then I don't use it for months and forget all my hacks and tricks and settings I like. 


This post was modified před 4 years by hagensieker
Napsal : 14/12/2020 12:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Mini+ questions


Nice device 👍 

The Prusa MK3S+ is already relatively well developed. If you need a reliable device, I would recommend it. The Mini, on the other hand, is still relatively at the beginning of its development, both, in terms of hardware and firmware.

I also work with a well running Mini, but I have manipulated many things on it, including the firmware.


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 14/12/2020 6:59 pm
RE: Mini+ questions


I have looked at those.  Actually, I have 16 with 12 Prusas.  I have one more coming - The BIQU BX.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 14/12/2020 7:06 pm
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