Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message.
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Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message.  

New Member
Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message.

Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message. 

I get sporadic Min Temp error messages on an orange screen with a reset printer option when I try to start a new print. This can happen after 2 or 4 or more successful prints. Or when I change Thumb Drives( I have multiple Gcodes to organiize my files by type). It is just so sporadic I can't attribute it to s specific condition. It can sometimes be over ruled by a number of methods i.e   Choice of a different print, run temperature for filament then print, new thumb drive and print, restart, etc.  However, It now seems to be finally stuck on Min Temp error and will not calibrate, print, or allow to filament settings. SO now I will look up Min Temp errors. It seemed to be more of a false error message so I'm hoping someone can advise. On the other hand maybe it has been trying to tell me something for a while. BTW. It has been printing 12-14 hours a day 7 days a week for the past 3 months. 


Postato : 26/03/2021 4:27 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message.

I had the same issue, replaced the bed Thermsistor and power cable. (figured I might as well do both) This solved the problem for me. It's very possible the thermistor is failing.


you can try a preheat of the bed and  wiggling the wires to see if that affects it at all. (it didn't for me, but it was a trouble shooting step recommended)

I'm not a mad scientist, I'm an angry engineer in training.

Postato : 26/03/2021 5:22 pm
MCHS hanno apprezzato
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message.


Much Obliged. The problem with sporadic/intermittant problems is you can end up replacing a lot of things trying to solve the problem. It seems to be a litte early for either of those items to fail. But I will keep it in  mind and greatly appreciate your input. My shop is in a heated, finished basement but honestly I don't heat it in the Winter, relying on the residual heat from the previous summer. But it's starting to get cold now and room temp is around 63 F in the morning. So I'm looking at that as a possible contributor. A Cold Bed Temp below 71F can cause a problem I believe. I did turn up th heat, shut down the printer and then restarted after an hour and it did not give me a Min Temp error message and is currently printing. But again intermittant...so who knows.  THX!  

Postato : 26/03/2021 6:00 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message.

Drafts and temperature swings can definitely affect the printers. I'm in AZ, so I really don't see those issues in my office.

I'm not a mad scientist, I'm an angry engineer in training.

Postato : 26/03/2021 6:08 pm
MCHS hanno apprezzato
New Member
RE: Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message.

I also have a fairly new Mini (started using 2/21), printing on an almost daily basis, and encountered a min temp bed error a week ago.  Went through the steps to troubleshoot (wiggled wire etc) and was able to replicate the error.  Contact Prusa through their chat (chat response is way better than email in my experience FWIW), amazing customer service I must say.  They walked me through the steps during the chat, I sent them a video, and received a free replacement wire from Prusa within 3 days.  I'm in the US, now that's fast shipping all the way from Prague.  Replaced the bed thermistor + wire (sure enough the heatbed edge seemed to have started cutting into the wire casing causing the malfunction), added some electrical tape at the location where it was cutting to give more protection.  I'm back up an running within 4 days of discovering the issue.  So, definitely not too early for this issue to appear as it happened to me also, maybe a flawed design in how the wire is routed against a sharp/hot heatbed edge, but here's to hoping the fix does last, and even if it happens again, i'm confident Prusa will take care of me.  If you want to take a look yourself first, check this location where the wire comes into contact against the bed edge and see if the bed thermistor wiring/casing is intact or damaged.

Hope this helps!


Questo post è stato modificato 4 years fa da paintedgyp
Postato : 27/03/2021 5:37 pm
MCHS hanno apprezzato
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message.

That's great information! Just reading this late at night but I'll check it out. Mine's been printing all day long with no problems but

I'll inspect that wire for wear tomorrow!  Thanks!!

Postato : 28/03/2021 1:29 am
New Member
RE: Min Temp Error message at start up. Reset Printer message.

Great!  I'm glad to help.  Keep us posted on what you find-


Postato : 28/03/2021 2:14 am