Meaning of number on the Mini+ screen
What is the meaning of the numbers on the bottom line, left and center on the Mini+ screen while printing?
The left number reads 100%. Of what?
The center number bounces up and down between 17.00 and 20.65. What does this number tell me?
RE: Meaning of number on the Mini+ screen
I don't recall the left number off the top of my head. The middle number should be the Z height if I interpret it correctly.
Mini+ (kit) - Revo Micro | Antler Cooling | WiFi (4.4.0RC1)
RE: Meaning of number on the Mini+ screen
I would say it is the percentage of the print speed (which is part of the filament profile). Turn the wheel during a print and it should slow down (< 100%) or increase speed (>100%). Give it a try.
Best regards, Clemens
Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)
RE: Meaning of number on the Mini+ screen
There is good documentation available here at Prusa:
Best regards, Clemens
Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)