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Have not seen this before: print just stopped  

Famed Member
Have not seen this before: print just stopped

Okay, this is a new one for me, in months of pretty much around the clock printing.

One of my Minis stopped a print after about 2 hours.

No error message on the display.

Printed from the USB stick (like I do with most long prints as I don't want to risk any issues with the Pi connection).

Checked the gcode file in text editor and Prusaslicer gcode viewer, everything looks fine.

Checked the UPS error log; no issues, and the laptop connected to the same UPS showed no issues.

Everything printed up to this point looks perfect.

Nozzle stuck to the filament, so it looks like what you would expect if the reset button was pressed. (No, I don't have a cat, and the Mini is in an enclosure).

My only rational explanation is that somehow the Mini's firmware crashed.

EDIT: Just checked my Wyze Camera footage. By sheer coincidence I can actually see the LCD screen in the footage. And as I expected, at one point I can see it go black and reset 😡. Glad it happened 2 hours into the print, not 48 hours.... But this next paragraph is still true. Wish I could pinpoint the exact cause and report it.

I'm not aware of any location log files might be saved or error codes could be retrieved that could be used to submit a bug report to github?

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 03/05/2021 9:16 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Have not seen this before: print just stopped

Can you beg/borrow an oscilloscope and check the 'cleanliness'of your mains power supply?


Napsal : 03/05/2021 11:52 pm
Famed Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Have not seen this before: print just stopped


A power issue was my first thought too but each machine sits on its own high end UPS, and none of them indicated any voltage issues. In fact, other machines continued to print no problem, so I'm inclined to believe it's not an issue with power. And the Wyze and Pi that sit on the same UPS as the machine that crashed continued to work okay. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 04/05/2021 12:27 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Have not seen this before: print just stopped

The next most likely is a cable fault.  Either a work hardened wire has fractured, glitched, and reset the machine or some insulation has worn/failed and allowed a short.


Napsal : 04/05/2021 8:34 am