Github updated with additional drawings / BOM / Source information
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Github updated with additional drawings / BOM / Source information  

Gordon W
Reputable Member
Github updated with additional drawings / BOM / Source information

For those interested in such things Prusa have just pushed an update to the Mini H/W repository with a lot of additional drawings, design files (in Autodesk Inventor format) and other information.

Publié : 19/08/2020 11:35 am
Crawlerin a aimé
Eminent Member
RE: Github updated with additional drawings / BOM / Source information

I just saw it, they call it R5.


But I also saw that they added a R6!

Minor adjustments to avoid print problems :

MINI-y-idler : Chamfer near cut for the rib - thin wall elimination

MINI-y-belt-holder : Length increased by 0.5 mm on both sides near channel for the wrench - thin wall elimination

Anyone printed it and can help a new guy understand exactly what it mean?

Publié : 23/08/2020 12:04 pm
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