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Filament not extruding/won't unload.  

New Member
Filament not extruding/won't unload.


Noob here. I just got a  new Prusa Mini printer – I assembled it yesterday and printed a few small test prints with the supplied sample PLA and a few more with some generic PETG and it seemed to be printing OK. I then tried a larger print that failed, apparently because the printer stopped extruding. The printer does not extrude any filament at all and will not unload. The motor runs but the filament is stuck. I ran a self test and everything came up OK and I could not see any filament debris in the gear through the inspection hatch. I tried to take out the Bowden tube fitting on the hot end but the fitting seems to be stuck as well (at least it is too tight to loosen with the supplied wrench without bending it).


Anyone know how can I fix this?




Publié : 25/06/2022 4:29 pm
Illustrious Member

the fitting seems to be stuck

Use a second wrench to hold it steady as you turn it, you may have crossed threads..

To clear the jam you may need a cold pull:

When it is working again I suggest using only good quality filament for the first month or so.  Once you are used to the process and can recognise issues as they occur cheap generic filaments are fine, I use them for most early prototyping.  Just limit the possible causes of problems until you are ready to handle them.


Publié : 26/06/2022 3:38 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Filament not extruding/won't unload.

Thanks much for the advice!

I did a cold pull and the nozzle seems to be clear. Still  could not get the filament to unload, had to take the extruder apart to get it out.  Looks like the extruder chewed up the filament in one spot and could not grab it anymore.  Now I need to make sure everything is clean, figure out how to put it all back together and reset the adjustments.

BTW I had a lot of trouble getting the Prusa sample PLA to load from the beginning, usually the filament would stop part way through the tube before it got to the hot end and I would have to retry loading a few times before it would load.

What PETG filaments do you recommend for the Prusa Mini?


Thanks again.

Publié : 26/06/2022 4:58 am
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