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ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01  

Trusted Member
ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01

This is getting frustrating.  I keep getting min temp bed errors.  I’ve re sliced a couple of times and repositioned the part on the bed.  I’ve also checked the wires and they seem to be tight and don’t see any movement with the display if I wiggle them.  It’s happened to three times now in the last 20 hours on a 12 hour print.

any other thoughts other than a failing sensor?


Weened on MK3's at work, FrakenMini and MKs at home.

Napsal : 05/01/2020 9:13 pm
Trusted Member
RE: ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01

I had the same issue when I opened the window directly next to the printer at 0°C


Napsal : 05/01/2020 9:29 pm
Noble Member
RE: ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01

Both Mintemps (bed and nozzle) are set to 15C in firmware.Prusa recommend ambient of 20C

Napsal : 05/01/2020 11:14 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01

Printer is located in the middle of the house.  House is set to 20-21 degrees.

Weened on MK3's at work, FrakenMini and MKs at home.

Napsal : 05/01/2020 11:29 pm
Prominent Member
RE: ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01

You mentioned you wiggled cables already, have you also tried opening electronics box and check whether connectivity there is good? They may have slipped out of socket or other cables have bent the socket when you were closing the box. If that part is OK, then yes, it may be bad thermistor. Contact support to get further advice or replacement.

Napsal : 06/01/2020 12:18 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01

First I took the control box cover off last night and i was able to finish the print.  Today I watched it for a while, and think might have a possible pattern.  The bed temp is set at 60 C.  When the x axis is away fro the support I don’t see the bed temp move much.  But when it moves closer to the tower I will see it move from 56-61 degrees.  That range was over about  10 minutes of monitoring.  Does anyone know what the min/max allowable change that is allowed in the firmware.  I am wonder if it’s 10%-15% and given enough time during a print it floats down low enough. Also want is the refresh rate for reading the temp?  It appears to be 2-3 seconds.  The temperature fluctuations never last longer than a refresh.  

 I don’t remember any of my MK3s moving this much, but that is a larger thermal mass and wouldn’t think it would bounce around as much.  Right now I am  investigating a loose  thermistor wire somewhere, but it is very inconsistent. 



Weened on MK3's at work, FrakenMini and MKs at home.

Napsal : 07/01/2020 4:47 am
Eminent Member
RE: ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01

I had exactly the same thing ... so I localized my mistake

Napsal : 11/01/2020 7:35 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01


Thanks I wouldn’t be surprised where my fault it’s at.  I took the over off the control box and that wire now moves a little more freely.  I’ve been printing that way for a week now.  I probably should go ahead and order a thermosistor to have it ready.

Weened on MK3's at work, FrakenMini and MKs at home.

Napsal : 11/01/2020 9:28 pm
Eminent Member
RE: ERR Mintemp bed. Vet 4.01


do not order ... report support..and you will get a new one like me

Napsal : 11/01/2020 9:33 pm