After loading or unloading filament- dangerous to leave temps hot
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After loading or unloading filament- dangerous to leave temps hot  

Honorable Member
After loading or unloading filament- dangerous to leave temps hot

I think it is really dangerous for when you are loading or unloading a filament that the Mini doesn't automatically go cold on the print bed and extruder.  I might see why it would stay hot for loading, but definitely not for unloading.

As comparison, after calibrating the Z axis, the heaters turn off.

I was really surprised that the heaters stayed on after unloading.  It should at least prompt you before exiting to see if you want the heaters on, and frankly shut off automatically after a few minutes.

Frankly, the bed shouldn't heat during filament loading.  No real reason for it to be on, and one more thing to burn yourself on when working around the small printer.

Maybe the they wanted that routine for when filament runs out so you can reload filament and it will just run.  I just don't think that the hot end should stay hot- the MK3S and MMU2s shut down the hot end when it missfeeds and is going to be idle.


Postato : 29/08/2020 7:33 am
New Member
RE: After loading or unloading filament- dangerous to leave temps hot

right. It's dangerous to be hooked like that. be careful.

Postato : 14/01/2021 8:34 am