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Advice on shipping Mini  

Active Member
Advice on shipping Mini

I'm moving cross country and no longer have the original Mini shipping box. I'm not sure I'd want to completely disassemble it even had I saved it. Any advice on reasonable steps to box up my Mini to minimize damage during shipment? It'll be in a shipping Pod, so I will be able to ensure that other boxes won't be stacked on top of it.

Napsal : 04/12/2021 5:37 pm
Eminent Member

Well, have you seen how the assembled version ships? That would be the best approach, it basically breaks into just three parts which can be separately wrapped in a bubble foil and stored in any appropriately sized box.

edit: Here are the steps: Prusa Knowledge Base | Building your MINI+ (

Napsal : 04/12/2021 5:59 pm
cmumford a languer se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Advice on shipping Mini

I forgot about that. Great idea Ren - thx.

Napsal : 04/12/2021 6:54 pm