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4x4 Mesh bed leveling, why  

Eminent Member
4x4 Mesh bed leveling, why


My print bed seems to be not flat (left +0.7, right -0.6). I wanted to use and change the existing tools for octoprint for the "big brother" Mk3, but found out, that the 4x4 bed leveling is fixed and burned into the printer. Is that right?

Why not 5x5 or 7x7? I need a "middle" zero to better use the tools like prusameshbedleveling etc.

Yes, i can use "Bed Visualizer" which shows mit via picture what is wrong. But why not easier that an appl. tell you how to turn the screws if you are doing the nyloc hack?

I want to have a flat bed. Yes, and it can be done (don't misunderstand me).

So coming back to the question:

Is 4x4 burnt into the printer? Why 4x4?
Is there a way (command) to bring it to 3x3, 5x5 (better) or even 7x7 (not really necessary i think). 


Opublikowany : 31/12/2019 11:52 am
Gabriel S
Trusted Member
RE: 4x4 Mesh bed leveling, why

The 4x4 is burned into the printer, and is performed at the beginning of all prints. I do not know of a way to disable it or increase it's precision at this time. However, because the firmware being so new is going to be under constant development, now is the time to post that feature request on GitHub.

You could (of course) get risky and break the appendix to run your own custom code, but I wouldn't do that. I would hope that Prusa would look at the list of feature requests and check it off as a (hopefully easy) fix. 

What I would also say is that, if your bed is so not-level, fully check the MINDA probe. If there is any spot where it goes dark in mid-air, this could screw up the calibration. Lots of early models have this issue.

Opublikowany : 31/12/2019 2:20 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 4x4 Mesh bed leveling, why



How do i raise feature request? Never done that. (Update: Found out, Need an account for that...)

My Minda seems to be ok and does do the job as expected...

Recv: Bilinear Leveling Grid:
Recv: 0 1 2 3
Recv: 0 -0.747 -0.373 -0.246 -0.145
Recv: 1 -0.566 -0.207 +0.038 +0.154
Recv: 2 -0.631 -0.187 +0.113 +0.371
Recv: 3 -0.628 -0.262 +0.086 +0.391

This post was modified 4 years temu 2 times by ekkilein
Opublikowany : 31/12/2019 2:35 pm
Gabriel S
Trusted Member
RE: 4x4 Mesh bed leveling, why

I just did it for you.

Opublikowany : 31/12/2019 2:39 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 4x4 Mesh bed leveling, why


wow. that was fast. thank you!

Opublikowany : 31/12/2019 2:41 pm