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Silicone bed leveling mod for MK4S Debate  

Dale DiDomenico
Silicone bed leveling mod for MK4S Debate

I have 3 Prusa's ranging from MK3S, 3.5S and 4S. Happy with all the printers.. My 4S however produces 0.7mm variance compared to my other printers which have about 0.2mm or smaller.  The 4S uses the fixed magic metal boxes Mr Prusa likes to call them which is supposed to allow heat expansion over temperature to keep a uniform first layer calibration.  One of my printers is a 3.5S which has the metal magic boxes on the bed and did a variance check using octoprint bed visualizer cold and over temp. The bed variance doubled with this scenario. However, using my silicone mod on the 3S and the 4S I noticed only a 5% increase vs a 100% change using the metal box standoffs. 

Anyway, just curious if anyone played with this.. 

Prusa is my hero btw and always will be.. No other company matches their support,  quality of products and upgradable paths for prior printers. All other 3d printer company's just make them obsolete and stop supporting them.   Hats off to you guys...


Napsal : 29/12/2024 2:27 pm
Active Member
RE: Silicone bed leveling mod for MK4S Debate

I have tried it. I couldn't notice any difference in terms of print quality, in relation to the heat expansion issue try changing your Z-offset in the slicer by 0.004mm (this is what I have set for my satin sheet by ymmv), this should eliminate the rippling issue that seems to be going around with the printers that have the loadcell equipped.

Napsal : 01/01/2025 6:44 am