What settings is Prusa using?
I'm printing out parts in PETG for the MK3s to MK4S upgrade, using Prusa's pre-made gcode. In the 4 years I've had my MK3S, I've NEVER been able to get it to print as smoothly as what these files are producing, no matter what I fiddle with in the settings. Can someone from PRUSA share the printer settings that are used in these gcode files so I can incorporate them into my PrusaSlicer settings for printing EVERYTHING?
RE: What settings is Prusa using?
You do realise that gcode files produced with Prusa slicer contain the settings in them ? They are stored at the end of the file. If you use File>Import>Import Config and select a saved gcode file PS will attempt to load the settings from it. As you haven't linked to any files I can't check if that's the case with the ones you are talking about.
That's only part of the story though as you need to make sure your printer is sound and that you have the profiles tuned for the particular combination of printer and filament you are using. Also keep in mind that settings that are good for one object might not be for a different object. Prusa printed parts are probably highly optimised settings wise for those parts.