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Bumps on one side of the slope?  

Active Member
Bumps on one side of the slope?

Hi there,

I just printed a pedastal for something. The pedalstal's got two slopes. One looks fine to me, the other got small nudges all over the place.

Has anybody seen something like that before and could give me a hint on what I've done wrong?

Printed it with PLA, 0.15 speed nozzle setting on the 0.4 standard prusa nozzle.


Respondido : 21/12/2024 1:19 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Bumps on one side of the slope?

Most likely from uneven cooling.  More air gets blown from one direction than the other and the part geometry shields one side from getting as much airflow.  

Easy to check, if you rotate the part 180 degrees and print does the uneven side stay in the same position.

Respondido : 21/12/2024 3:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bumps on one side of the slope?

Thanks. That might be an idea. I checked with the print-file. The lower (and bumpy) side was pointing to the front. I'd expect this being exposed to the airflow more than the backside (airflow coming here from the right in the picture).

Just out of curiosity I'll give it a try with the rotation to 180dg. If this stays the same I assume a rotation of 90dg should give me even results on both sides (not saying it will be fine, just equal result).


Respondido : 21/12/2024 5:03 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Bumps on one side of the slope?

I would also try the Structural setting (I hardly ever use Speed, not worth the drop in quality for me), and raise the infill to 20%.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 21/12/2024 6:27 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bumps on one side of the slope?

Thanks. Now I am curious. The second print (180dg turn) showed some minor nudges, while the lower backside (the one previously scarred) turned out fine. I therfore conclude it must have something to do with the positioning to the font.

@FoxRun3d can you elaborate why you think the structual setting with an increased infill might change the outcome? I'll gladly spend another 20g plastic on the next attempt if that increases my understanding.

Respondido : 22/12/2024 9:52 am