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WiFi Misbehaving  

WiFi Misbehaving

This year, I upgraded my MK3 to the MK4.  Super happy with it and have been printing quite a bit more lately (and have finally started creating my own designs).

This week, however, the WiFi seems to be erratic.  


  • Not showing up as connected on PrusaConnect dashboard (shows as "Offline")
  • Completed prints do show up on PrusaConnect (which seems to tell me some wifi connection is working at least intermittently)
  • When checking the network status, the system will alternate between "connected" and "No AP" ever 5 - 10 seconds
  • System seems to be recognized on my router (the IP is pinned, if that matters)
  • The system has worked solidly without trouble for the last 6 months or so and only this week has had these problems

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Restarted all wifi/internet equipment
  • Restarted printer
  • Flashed/updated the firmware to the latest version (6.1.2-7894)
  • Recreated the wifi settings ini file via PrusaSlicer

I poked around here on the forum but found nobody with the same symptoms.  A reddit search found one other person with similar behavior, but no soluiton.

For the short term, I can "sneaker net" my files back and forth to the printer via USB, but boy, I have quickly gotten spoiled by diretctly uploading the files to PrusaConnect and following the status from there!

Thanks for any help/advice y'all can provide.

Posted : 28/08/2024 10:16 pm
carbondj liked
David Bowles
 David Bowles
(@David Bowles)
RE: WiFi Misbehaving

I am having similar issues.  I moved to ethernet cable and some of the issues are still present.

Posted : 30/08/2024 11:58 am
RE: WiFi Misbehaving

I’ve had my MK4S for just a few weeks now and am experiencing the EXACT same issues. I’ve also tried everything you listed above prior to finding your forum post. Don’t work for me either.

Posted by: @supersport

This year, I upgraded my MK3 to the MK4.  Super happy with it and have been printing quite a bit more lately (and have finally started creating my own designs).

This week, however, the WiFi seems to be erratic.  


  • Not showing up as connected on PrusaConnect dashboard (shows as "Offline")
  • Completed prints do show up on PrusaConnect (which seems to tell me some wifi connection is working at least intermittently)
  • When checking the network status, the system will alternate between "connected" and "No AP" ever 5 - 10 seconds
  • System seems to be recognized on my router (the IP is pinned, if that matters)
  • The system has worked solidly without trouble for the last 6 months or so and only this week has had these problems

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Restarted all wifi/internet equipment
  • Restarted printer
  • Flashed/updated the firmware to the latest version (6.1.2-7894)
  • Recreated the wifi settings ini file via PrusaSlicer

I poked around here on the forum but found nobody with the same symptoms.  A reddit search found one other person with similar behavior, but no soluiton.

For the short term, I can "sneaker net" my files back and forth to the printer via USB, but boy, I have quickly gotten spoiled by diretctly uploading the files to PrusaConnect and following the status from there!

Thanks for any help/advice y'all can provide.


Posted : 22/09/2024 12:39 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: WiFi Misbehaving

@carbondj and @David Bowles, I rebuilt my network over the weekend and that seems to have addressed the issue.  I'm using an ASUS wiwi system, and I had to factory reset the whole thing and then re-configure.  For now, the printer is working again.  

Let me know if this works for y'all.

Posted : 23/09/2024 12:09 pm
New Member

I am having a similar issue. With the current firmware of 6.1.3+7898 and the preceding one or two firmwares I had, PrusaLink local connections are just completely unstable. I feel like I can only upload locally to the print for like a 2-3m window before the webservice on the printer goes away for like 5m. Sometimes the webservice will die mid-upload. When this happens, the browser says there is nothing at the local IP address (webservice down). The printer is up at the time.

Prusa Connect frequently shows the printer as Offline. 

I am both wired and wireless -- gonna try disabling the wireless in case there is some strangeness with both interfaces being up. When it is in this state, the printer is not pingable on either interface/ip.

To be clear, this worked very stably for about a year -- it is only since the MK4S compatible firmwares started rolling in that PrusaLink has been terribly unstable (I think that is the timeline anyway -- no hard evidence there)

This post was modified 4 months ago by wbsp
Posted : 27/09/2024 1:51 am
New Member

if you go to Settings->Network->Status, you will see that the printer pings 3 hosts to understand its network health: 1. the Connect IP, 2. The Gateway IP on your network; and the printer's configured DNS server.  Each host will show the ping time and the percentage of loss. When the printer is in the state described in this thread, at least in my case, the pings to the DNS server and Gateway both fail.

Posted : 28/09/2024 6:06 pm
New Member
RE: WiFi Misbehaving

FWIW, I factory reset the printer and loaded the latest firmware. In that set up process, I did not enable wireless, given that my machine is wired. So far, so good. I will report back here when I have more data, but hopefully the improvement holds.

Posted : 20/10/2024 8:00 pm
Estimable Member

I just got my MK4S upgrade connected to WiFi.  Here are the WiFi/Networking problems I'm seeing:

1) WiFi connection weak. I have 4 APs in my house, and the MK4S can't connect half the time. No problem with 60 other WiFi devices I have.

2) When using ethernet, there doesn't seem to be a way to turnoff WiFi. You can use ethernet as your default, but WiFi still connects.

3) I use DHCP with ethernet, but the MK4S doesn't seem to honor it, and it used an IP address used by another device on my network.  Assigning it to a fixed IP address solved the problem, but there is no excuse for that.

4) The fact that PrusaLink can't display the progress of a print correctly using z-height is just plain sad. Bugs happen, but to me, this looks like Prusa doesn't even care anymore. To add insult to injury, this is the only $1000+ printer I'm aware of without a camera. 

See attached..

This post was modified 3 months ago by Allen8355
Posted : 03/11/2024 2:23 am
Trusted Member
RE: WiFi Misbehaving

I think there will be some fixed in the next FW

Posted : 03/11/2024 7:26 pm