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WiFi Misbehaving  

WiFi Misbehaving

This year, I upgraded my MK3 to the MK4.  Super happy with it and have been printing quite a bit more lately (and have finally started creating my own designs).

This week, however, the WiFi seems to be erratic.  


  • Not showing up as connected on PrusaConnect dashboard (shows as "Offline")
  • Completed prints do show up on PrusaConnect (which seems to tell me some wifi connection is working at least intermittently)
  • When checking the network status, the system will alternate between "connected" and "No AP" ever 5 - 10 seconds
  • System seems to be recognized on my router (the IP is pinned, if that matters)
  • The system has worked solidly without trouble for the last 6 months or so and only this week has had these problems

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Restarted all wifi/internet equipment
  • Restarted printer
  • Flashed/updated the firmware to the latest version (6.1.2-7894)
  • Recreated the wifi settings ini file via PrusaSlicer

I poked around here on the forum but found nobody with the same symptoms.  A reddit search found one other person with similar behavior, but no soluiton.

For the short term, I can "sneaker net" my files back and forth to the printer via USB, but boy, I have quickly gotten spoiled by diretctly uploading the files to PrusaConnect and following the status from there!

Thanks for any help/advice y'all can provide.

Posted : 28/08/2024 10:16 pm
David Bowles
 David Bowles
(@David Bowles)
RE: WiFi Misbehaving

I am having similar issues.  I moved to ethernet cable and some of the issues are still present.

Posted : 30/08/2024 11:58 am