Prusa Nextruder Silicone sock - set
I'm waiting for my mk4s upgrade kit but wanted to buy some spares including printhead socks. The ones listed on the Prusa site appear to be compatible with the MK4 but not the MK4S. Is this correct I thought the S was just a nozzle change? Where do you find socks for the MK4s?
Best Answer by iftibashir:
They will be the same socks - there's no difference to the heatblock size or nozzle location.
RE: Prusa Nextruder Silicone sock - set
They will be the same socks - there's no difference to the heatblock size or nozzle location.
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RE: Prusa Nextruder Silicone sock - set
Many thanks for that information I suspected as much but until I get the S mod couldn't be sure. I wonder why the site lists MK3.9S and MK4S as non-compatible, guess its a slip up. Off to order the spares now, thanks again