prusa connect message "material does not match"
I'm using a mk4s with mmu3. And in the past it worked perfectly. But after factory reset, reconfiguring and loading the Prusa Connect ini file "prusa_printer_settings.ini" I get this message.
Does anyone know what this means? Currently I'm only using PLA.
RE: prusa connect message "material does not match"
I'm getting the same warning, also don't have any "loaded filament" displayed. To me it looks like the MMU doesn't have any information about what the filaments are, and is defaulting to giving the warning. It's also possible that because I only have three filaments loaded, the last two are guaranteed to be "wrong" if they are being counted as a null for the MMU. Ran a two-color print yesterday while ignoring this warning. I had my settings in prusaslicer matched to the correct filaments, and did not run into any problems.
I have similar issues with Connect miss-reporting printer status on MK4 S without MMU3. Recently it started miss-reporting of either after a material change (i.e. PLA to PETG), or after a nozzle change (0.4 to 0.6), even though hardware was all correctly configured. The most annoying issue is that when the printer is 'Set Current', slicer profiles are all changed to wrong settings. This seems to be a PrusaConnect problem rather than anything else. Seems to be fine if uploading prints via PrusaLink or directly by transfer to USB.
I mostly use Connect via the Slicer Tab
you most likely flashed to the new firmware? Here is what you need to do:
1- unload filament
2- reload filament and selecting the appropriate material
3- run a print already on your usb drive matching the material you just selected
4- once the print file has loaded to the printer and its doing the bed calibration , cancel the print.
You should be all set now ... let me know it it solved your issue
PS - if you have an mmu do the same thing but load to nozzle and select the appropriate material then continue to step 2
RE: prusa connect message "material does not match"
I seem to be having this problem as well this evening. I tried Jean-Sebastian's steps, but after canceling the print and going back to Connect, it still complains that the material does not match.
I'm not sure if this is the cause, but I ran a small print and it came out terribly. This was with PETG and the 0.4mm nozzle. The print could be crumbled in my hand. It was sliced for PETG, and the printer says it has PETG in that nozzle and displays PETG in the lower corner of the screen, so I would think that Connect complaining about the material type should not be an issue...