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MK4S variable layer height -> layer shift  

Eminent Member
MK4S variable layer height -> layer shift

I have MK4S with MMU3. It works like a charm (even with HF nozzle). But I encountered one issue.

I wanted to print a part which is around 6-12h of print time depending on settings. Its printed with one filament (PETG), so no filament change.

I printed it whole with layer height 0,28 without a problem. But realized, its little rough in some parts of the object.

So I decided to use PrusaSlicer function Variable layer height. I set it up (on some height, layer start to shrink and after few cm layer start to enlarge to original layer height) and then there was a massive layer shift (circa 30% of object height) around the place, where layers should start to be lower.

I then tried different option - I hope I write it right - something like height modificator. I set up layer height change with it (and change back - similarly like in variable layer height function) and I got massive layer shift but this time somewhere, where layers should start to be back to normal.

I then tried to print whole object with 0,15 layer height and everything was ok.

So I have 2 layer shifted prints while using variable layer height and 2 perfect object without variable layer height, but each with different layer height (0,15 and 0,28).

So it seems changing layers height during print can lead to layer shifting problem. 

Has anybody similar experience ? Or even solution?

This topic was modified 2 months temu by Pepan
Opublikowany : 07/11/2024 12:30 pm