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Dull top layer with PETG  

Estimable Member
Dull top layer with PETG

With recent PETG prints, top layer is dull.
There are some small shiny bits near the edges. Sides of the print are nice and glossy.

I have tried different brands of filament and the problem is the same for each roll tried.

I have tried different extruder temps and print speeds, but the problem remains.

The Mk4S with MMU3 is using the normal nozzle that I had prior to the Mk4S upgrade, given the recommendation is you stick with the normal nozzle, not the high flow one, if you run the MMU3.

The print statistics currently show print time of 58 days which I assume would be since the upgrade to Mk4S, which would mean total print time well in excess of this, given I continued with the use of the standard nozzle.

Given the issue happens regardless of filament brand and still happens if I increase extruder temps and reduce speed, does this indicate problems may be due to a worn nozzle? I've also read that some have had similar issues which dissappeared when the hot end thermister was replaced. Should I also be looking at repacing this also?

Publié : 15/03/2025 1:14 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Dull top layer with PETG

Raise your nozzle temperature.  If you notice it's shiny on the shorter filament paths, but dull on the longer. This is because the printer reaches higher speeds on the long runs and the filament is not spending as much time in the hotend and therefore it's not getting hot enough. Usually raising the nozzle temp about 10 degrees mostly fixes it. 

What filament profile are you using?  I find the Prusament profile works well as a starting point.

Publié : 15/03/2025 3:00 pm
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