Weird print failure at 85% point - looks like extruder left/right position shifted significantly to the right
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Weird print failure at 85% point - looks like extruder left/right position shifted significantly to the right  

Estimable Member
Weird print failure at 85% point - looks like extruder left/right position shifted significantly to the right

I have a fairly simple design that I wanted to print tilted  upwards 60 deg for a stronger part.  The first print went fine, but subsequent prints failed at about 85% with a significant rightward shift.  I checked for any physical impingements on the bed and/or extruder travel, but everything seems fine.  I looked at the gcode with the Prusa gcode viewer, and it  looks OK too.  

Anyone have an idea about what I'm doing wrong here (.3mf, .bgcode, good/bad photos and a short video attached)?




Napsal : 21/09/2024 2:00 am
Honorable Member
RE: Weird print failure at 85% point - looks like extruder left/right position shifted significantly to the right

Could be an optical illusion, but it looks in the 2nd picture like the part pulled up some off the bed compared to the 1st.  If that happened it's likely the tool head crashed causing the later shift. 

Are you cleaning the bed with isopropyl alcohol between prints? 


I'm seeing the bright white line around the base on the first picture looks perfectly straight, while in the 2nd it isn't. 

Napsal : 21/09/2024 2:25 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird print failure at 85% point - looks like extruder left/right position shifted significantly to the right


Posted by: @brian-12

Could be an optical illusion, but it looks in the 2nd picture like the part pulled up some off the bed compared to the 1st.  If that happened it's likely the tool head crashed causing the later shift. 

Are you cleaning the bed with isopropyl alcohol between prints? 


I'm seeing the bright white line around the base on the first picture looks perfectly straight, while in the 2nd it isn't. 

Hmm, you could be right - I'll try that again with better base support and see what happens.  And yes, I'm keeping the bed clean.  I don't clean it between every print - only when there are clear adhesion issues 😉

Napsal : 21/09/2024 2:36 am
Illustrious Member

Using your .3MF I notice some unsupported extrusions at the top of the threaded hole:

These would be enough to collect and cause a minor crash; if the head was travelling in the -X direction that crash might lift the part against the tilt and become severe enough to skip some steps ... in the other direction part flex would evade the impact.

So: revisit your thread design routine.

Also, there is nothing in this part that requires 0.1mm layers, I would use 0.2m.

And your custom g-code is throwing warnings, best to use one of the presets.

Grid infill isn't helping, try using cubic.


Napsal : 21/09/2024 7:57 am
Brian se líbí
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird print failure at 85% point - looks like extruder left/right position shifted significantly to the right

Bed adhesion wasn't the problem, as I got the same results with a raft and brim added.  Then I tried again using support enforcers to make sure the horizontal holes didn't cause the problem.  When I added support enhancers to the holes using 'smart fill', I get the situation shown in the plater screenshot below.  However, when the model is sliced, I get an unwanted support artifact on the bed as shown in the 'sliced' screenshot below.  This looks like an error in the slicing (or 'smart fill') logic.


Napsal : 21/09/2024 2:18 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird print failure at 85% point - looks like extruder left/right position shifted significantly to the right

It looks like the 'hole collision' theory was correct; my print with supports just in the horizontal hole came out perfectly.  Thanks Diem!


Napsal : 21/09/2024 3:23 pm
Brian se líbí