Upload has failed. There is no suitable storage found at xx.x.x.xx
Printer preforms flawlessly but will not accept a file directly from PruasSlicer even though connected via Prusa Connect and actively seeing printer. Original Prusa memory stick installed in printer with lots of open memory and happily transfers files using the stick. Just won't accept files directly. Thanks for any help!
RE: Upload has failed. There is no suitable storage found at xx.x.x.xx
I had something similar. The usb drive died shortly after.
RE: Upload has failed. There is no suitable storage found at xx.x.x.xx
Printer preforms flawlessly but will not accept a file directly from PruasSlicer even though connected via Prusa Connect and actively seeing printer. Original Prusa memory stick installed in printer with lots of open memory and happily transfers files using the stick. Just won't accept files directly. Thanks for any help!
A completely normal situation. Remove the flash memory, and insert it back after a while, or reset the printer.
RE: Upload has failed. There is no suitable storage found at xx.x.x.xx
A completely normal situatio
Alas that's true although clearly it shouldn't be. But I see it at least once a day. Why? No idea. The USB sticks are all fine. Usually it recovers quickly.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Upload has failed. There is no suitable storage found at xx.x.x.xx
good for that