Screensaver for MK4S and brightness level for status bar LEDs
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Screensaver for MK4S and brightness level for status bar LEDs  

Josef Srpa
Screensaver for MK4S and brightness level for status bar LEDs

Hi i would really like to see in future this addition because this way I think we could lower idle power consumption and also I leds wouldn't blast at my room whenever I print, I am also considering adding a white printed piece under as and tougher diffuser 😀

Opublikowany : 01/09/2024 7:22 am
Prominent Member

I can't speak about a screensaver/dimmer (though I think I've seen on Printables cover plates that you can put over the screen (just fits in the display cover opening for the LCD) to block the light. I haven't felt the need (my printer is in the basement, not my bedroom) so I haven't explored these items.

I am curious to see if the diffuser for the status LEDs that I printed for my MK4 will fit the MK4S when my upgrade kit gets delivered to me. If one wants to use this to dim the light, maybe a filament like Printed Solid Jessie Quarter White (designed for light transmission, nominally for lithophanes but might work here as well).

See my (limited) designs on:
Printables -
Thingiverse -

Opublikowany : 09/09/2024 10:26 pm
Josef Srpa
Topic starter answered:
RE: Screensaver for MK4S and brightness level for status bar LEDs

Hi I am already using diffusers and LCD covers but it could be nicer maybe to have them just turned off during long prints for lower power draw, don't know how much it draws but I think it's not nothing.

Opublikowany : 10/09/2024 4:38 am
Eminent Member
RE: Screensaver for MK4S and brightness level for status bar LEDs

I'd like this, my concern is screen burn in. Would be nice to have a screensaver and maybe pulse the status LEDs to show it's turned on. 

Opublikowany : 12/09/2024 12:04 pm