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Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!  

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Jan Kratochvíl
Member Admin
Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

Hello all.

What an exciting day! We released the new MK4S with many new features that make your prints faster, more precise, and your printer even smarter than before. Read our blog post about the new MK4S to learn about all of its new functions.

This topic was modified 8 months ago by Jan Kratochvíl
Posted : 13/08/2024 8:27 am
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

Like many others,  I also fell for the “summer offer” and received my assembled MK4 on July 25, 2024 (my second Prusa printer already). Now with the "exciting announcement" the value of our investment dropped within less then 3 weeks by at least 10% (109€ plus ship for the Upgrade)! Thank you very much.

It looks like the summer promotion was indeed a clearance sale of already produced devices. For a company that constantly prides itself on customer proximity and the open-source idea, the communication about upcoming plans is a disgrace. Much more transparency towards customers, who are not buying cheap devices, would be helpful and would prevent such annoyance. Of course, the business side, which aims to optimize sales, speaks against this. It’s a pity about the old, but apparently bygone spirit of Josef Prusa.

Posted : 13/08/2024 4:55 pm
carl.g liked
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

I have to fully agree with the previous speaker. I've had my MK4 since the beginning of July, and a good 4-5 weeks later it's "outdated".

I could have waited a bit longer. In order to be up to date again, I now have to invest another €109, which makes me feel like I've been "ripped off". I wanted to save a bit more for my Enclouser and MMU3 update, and now I have to pay a little more. 🙁

Nevertheless, it's a great printer and it's a lot of fun for me and my family, but it's going to be an expensive hobby.

greetings Heiko


Posted : 13/08/2024 7:10 pm
carl.g liked
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

The upgrade page shows as not compatible with mmu3. Is this an error? Is it planned to be compatible? I have mk4 with mmu3 and would rather wait for a compatible version than not use the mmu3.

Posted : 13/08/2024 9:09 pm
Reputable Member


Posted by: @gerrypb

The upgrade page shows as not compatible with mmu3. Is this an error? Is it planned to be compatible? I have mk4 with mmu3 and would rather wait for a compatible version than not use the mmu3.

I assume it is because the high flow nozzle, if anything like other currently availible CHT nozzles, can't do the usual 'tip forming' due to its multi-channel geometry. Bad tip = bad time with single extruder, multi-filament printing aka the MMU3.

XL-5T, MK3S MMU3 || GUIDE: How to print with multiple-nozzlesizes do read updated replies || PrusaSlicer Fork || Other advanced slicer tactics || TPU

Posted : 13/08/2024 10:48 pm
GerryPB liked
Reputable Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!
Posted by: @baconfase


Posted by: @gerrypb

The upgrade page shows as not compatible with mmu3. Is this an error? Is it planned to be compatible? I have mk4 with mmu3 and would rather wait for a compatible version than not use the mmu3.

I assume it is because the high flow nozzle, if anything like other currently availible CHT nozzles, can't do the usual 'tip forming' due to its multi-channel geometry. Bad tip = bad time with single extruder, multi-filament printing aka the MMU3.

And yet, MK4 with MMU3 and HF 0.4 mm nozzle is already available in PrusaSlicer:

Posted : 14/08/2024 12:36 am
BaconFase liked
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

I placed an order earlier before I saw these comments about MMU3 compatibility. I just spoke to Prusa via chat and they confirmed it is compatible with Mk4 and MMU3.
I mentioned website info is a bit confusing in this regard and they said they are already looking into how they best clarify. Obvioulsy a number of users have also raised this aspect.

Posted : 14/08/2024 2:08 am
BaconFase and GerryPB liked
David M Smith
 David M Smith
(@David M Smith)
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

On the 9th of August I ordered two upgrade kits to go from 3S to 4, the required printed parts, and two enclosures. Today the 14th I see the 4S is coming out.

So I am fortunate that the upgrade kits have not shipped yet and and was able to change that part of the order.

But the printed parts have shipped.

So what I need to know is how different the 4S is from the 4? Am I better off eating shipping and returning these parts to order again for a 4S specific parts pack or is it just a couple of parts that were changed?

Thanks for input.

Looking forward to upgrading.

Posted : 14/08/2024 8:48 am
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

My MK4 have not yet celebrated 3months.
Yes - I'm kinda annoyed, and then; isn't this what you always risk with any product?

Sure, Prusa could announce the next model 3- or 6 months in advance, only to see sales slow to a halt.
We expect and hope that Prusa continue to innovate and improve.
They can only do so if they actually sell their products - not if we all sit on our hands waiting for the next model.

It's not all bad.
Although I have (kind of) wasted money - and even more on a selection of (now obsolete) spare copper and Obsidian nozzles,
I am also pleased to see that Prusa improves on some of the weakest points of the MK4.
I'm even more pleased that I can bring my printer up-2-date at a limited cost:
Had I purchased a printer from a well-known chinese brand, I would probably not have that option..

I'm super pleased to see the new accelerometer option and the breakout board. Along with the better cooling, These improvements are exactly what I have been looking and hoping for.
To me, it shows that I made the right choice when I choose to stay with this brand and not go for something that is more Chinese and proprietary in nature.

The only concern I'm left with, is that I wish Prusa would focus more on the local connectivity and less on the cloud.
(As someone working in Enterprise IT as a cloud security architect, I absolutely hate running stuff in cloud. Am I weird?)

By the time the next parcel arrives from Prusa, I will have completely forgotten about the ~320€ I just spent last night on upgrades, accessories and filament.
I will be tearing up the package like a 3yo on Christmas day and gleefully inspect the new toys, before the wife and I both head down to the printer in the basement where we surely will spend the evening installing new upgrades and eating junk-food.
Eventually, she will go to bed, while I will probably stay up all night and proudly present her with some fresh new prints in the morning.

Posted : 14/08/2024 10:01 am
_FirstLayer, Studio Space Dust, ScottW and 1 people liked
Tom De Winter
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

We all should have known that something was up when they had the big sale on the MK-4.

Posted : 14/08/2024 1:57 pm
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

Well, if I would have bought a MK4 3 months ago, then no problem, I would upgrade to MK4S and be thankful of Prusa's continued innovation and product support. This part still makes me a Prusa fan, but I received my MK4 kit just last week. Ordered it exactly two weeks ago today after a few back and forth questions I had with support before ordering, and not a hint that I should "hold off for a week or two" is all it would take. Support has since informed me that there was an embargo in place and that my order date was far from the announcement. I get that there was an embargo in place, but come on, that's just not right. After seeing the MK4 kit disappear off the store site, it feels like I got sold "old stock" at this point. Plus my motivation to purchase two weeks ago was the $100 promotion that expired that day. Interesting that the upgrade kit is also $100! I guess I should have known better, stupid me, wow. To add insult to injury, I see the MK4S kit is "In stock", but the MK4 to MK4S upgrade kit doesn't ship for three weeks, which means I'll not receive it for at least a month now. Sure would have preferred to wait the two weeks! So Prusa, for those that ordered a MK4 recently, throw us a bone and at least offer expedited shipping of the upgrade kit.

Posted : 14/08/2024 8:35 pm
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

Don't know if you made the cutoff, here, or not.. but:,priority%20processing%20on%20your%20order)

They indicate anyone who ordered between Aug 1st, and now.. will get a voucher to upgrade for free. 

If you ordered it on August 1st, your local time, you may have an argument to get that voucher.. if you ordered it in July.. dunno if Customer support will make any exceptions or not, though.

~ Psych

Posted : 15/08/2024 6:12 pm

I'm very upset with Prusa.  I ordered my MK4 in May.  It took time to ship to the U.S. and then to assemble it.  Soon after starting to print, I found out my printer is obsolete.  I kindly asked for an upgrade kit at only shipping cost and was refused.  There was no mention on the website that this new model's release was imminent.  I would have GLADLY waited a few weeks.   They fooled thousands of people into thinking they were buying the latest technology when they KNEW we weren't.  Prusa was a "10" in my opinion until this happened.  Yes, they saved a few dollars by refusing to send me the kit, but they likely lost a lifetime customer.  I will use my brand-new obsolete printer.  This is a good way to ruin a good reputation.  The release of the MK4S was kept a total secret until it was released.  They could send out upgrade kits to make everyone happy, but they refuse.

This post was modified 7 months ago by Anne
Posted : 25/08/2024 4:03 pm
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!


Posted : 27/08/2024 8:42 am
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

Yep, Prusa had me buy the previous version (MK4) knowing the MK4S would be announced one week later and would be available for immediate shipping even! So now the upgrade kit is 3-4 months delayed. I let them know my dissatisfaction, but they don't care. I have to use the $100 voucher now for the upgrade kit! (was supposed to be towards a MMU3). Could have just let me know to wait, wow! My MK4 kit is still in the box because I don't feel like reassembling with the upgrade kit. Total debacle!

On the bright side, I love my XL, but this is not the way with the MK4S release!

Posted by: @anne-2

I'm very upset with Prusa.  I ordered my MK4 in May.  It took time to ship to the U.S. and then to assemble it.  Soon after starting to print, I found out my printer is obsolete.  I kindly asked for an upgrade kit at only shipping cost and was refused.  There was no mention on the website that this new model's release was imminent.  I would have GLADLY waited a few weeks.   They fooled thousands of people into thinking they were buying the latest technology when they KNEW we weren't.  Prusa was a "10" in my opinion until this happened.  Yes, they saved a few dollars by refusing to send me the kit, but they likely lost a lifetime customer.  I will use my brand-new obsolete printer.  This is a good way to ruin a good reputation.  The release of the MK4S was kept a total secret until it was released.  They could send out upgrade kits to make everyone happy, but they refuse.


Posted : 10/09/2024 4:24 pm
Anne liked
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

How come you think the MK4 is obsolete? Just because a newer incremental change version is out?

Seems to me people are tossing out perfectly good things way to early. 
Am grateful prusa support older models , bring out new stuff as soon as they can and provide an upgrade path.
I believe they offered a voucher to those that ordered close to the date of the announcement - all seems fair to me.

I very much doubt any other manufacturer would have behaved as nicely as this.

Posted : 11/09/2024 1:36 pm
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

Description shows how much fatser the MK4(s) with the High-Flow nozzle is.

If i check/compare in PrusaSlicer, i can see it's faster but much less faster than described. Looks like it's only a (very) small increase in speed.
How comes?

MK3S+ und MK4

Posted : 24/09/2024 1:21 pm
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

I'd have been even more upset if it had been one week, but it's the same outcome either way.  I ordered mine less than three months prior to the new release, but by the time it was shipped, held up in customs, arrived in the U.S., and assembled, I had just started printing when I found out.  The company could have offered a discount of some sort for recent buyers, but they refused to do ANYTHING if the purchase was more than a week or two.  Since they clearly knew that a new release was imminent, I don't think this decision was in line with their good reputation.  I like the printer, but I sure could have used the new features.  It took me about 30 hrs. to assemble my kit because I was so careful with every step and have never done this before.  Now I will have to spend more money and many more hours doing an upgrade.  Yes, it still has me upset.  As expensive as this kit was compared to other brands, the least they could have done was to offer the upgrade at shipping cost.  They would have made thousands of grateful and satisfied customers instead of resentful customers who might want to look at a competing brand the next time. around.

Posted : 25/09/2024 4:13 am
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

I think it's obsolete because the improvements on the MK4S are major.  Once new technology comes out, the old technology is obsolete.  I could have really used the ability to print most things without supports.  I'm not saying that the MK4 is not a nice machine.  But it really sucks to spend this much on a printer, wait for it for so long, spend more than 30 hrs. assembling it, only to find out there's a much better machine now for the same money.  I'm also put off by Prusa's adamant refusal to do ANYTHING to appease those who purchased recently, unless it was within about a week of the new release.  They wouldn't budge an inch to keep a happy customer.  It would have cost them very little to do that.  Very surprising and disappointing...

Posted : 25/09/2024 4:25 am
Reputable Member
RE: Original Prusa MK4S, MK3.9S, MK3.5S Announced!

@Anne-2 May be their marketing people are not so brilliant like their technical people 😉... , however taking such decisions is not so easy.

Let's assume they had the MK4S ready in March 2024 planned o be launched around 12 August.
Same price than the MK4 (889€). The upgrade Mk4S kit fixed  around 100€.

What to do ? Here 3 possible options:

1) Just Announce the new MK4S on August 12th, and give a coupon of 100€ for the upgrade to people that ordered between 1-12 August ?
But people who had ordered on July 31 or earlier would have been angry. ☹️

2) Announce on 15 June that from August 12th a new MK4S would have been sold ?
   Ok, on June 15th people would have stopped any new order till August 12th. But people that had just ordered on 14th of June would have cancelled their orders.
   What about looking earlier? People that ordered on June 12,11,10,9... and so on, even two months earlier with the printer already shipped would have been very angry.
No way to inform customers in advance and have happy customers, there will be always people that had ordered just before your announce, and they will be angry. 😕 

3) Send the MK4S upgrade for free to some customers ?  But to whom ?
Again, to orders 1 week before the announcements (e.g. 1th of August) ? And what about people that ordered just on July 31,30,29,28,27... still getting angry customers.😕 

Moreover comparing the Mk4 and Mk4S technical differences, the high flow nozzle included in the MK4S and the new electronics could have justified an increased price. Just the high flow nozzle costs like half of the upgrade kit 😓 . However driven by the pressure of commercial competition, they though that maintaining a low price would have done the customers happy.

PRUSA marketing decided for option  (1) and they maintained the same price, thinking to make customers happy. Unfortunately it did not work well.

I think that the best win to win solution would have been.... to sell the MK4S to 989€ (instead of actual 889€, that was the same price of the MK4) , and contact the customers that had ordered in the last month to propose a time-limited possibility to order the upgrade kit with shipping priority (...and have already in stock a corresponding quantity of MK4S upgrade kits ready to be shipped)

Who have ordered an Mk4 would have been aware that it costed less then the new Mk4S, and just ordering the upgrade kit would have been equivalent to the price of the MK4S, and without waiting months for receiving the kit.

- What do you think ?


Posted : 25/09/2024 8:28 pm
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