MK4S Always Fails at Same Point in Print, "Stuck Filament"
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MK4S Always Fails at Same Point in Print, "Stuck Filament"  

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MK4S Always Fails at Same Point in Print, "Stuck Filament"

I am happy with my new MK4S, but I have hit a problem that has me stumped.

Running a 3.5-hr print, the job stopped about 3 hrs or 81% in, reporting "Filament appears to be stuck."  I went through all the rigamarole of unloading and reloading the filament, then resuming the job.  The job resumed, but I could tell something wasn't right; the extruder feed was not smooth and uniform, and job soon stopped again, reporting "Filament appears to be stuck."  I repeated this routine several times, each time the result was the same.  Print quality was notably poorer than usual.  At this point I decided the nozzle must be well and truly clogged, so I aborted the print and did a cold pull.

I then restarted the same print from zero.  The job proceeded to the same point as before, then repeated the same problem as before.  The gcode file is attached.

I don't think this is a filament problem.  The extruder was noisier than usual (creaking) throughout the job up to the point of failure, but print quality was excellent.

Could this be a slicer problem?  Has anyone experienced something similar?  Any help appreciated.

Posted : 25/10/2024 8:29 pm