Mk4 Mid-print filament stops feeding, print continues
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Mk4 Mid-print filament stops feeding, print continues  

Mk4 Mid-print filament stops feeding, print continues

This happened all of a sudden, not gradually. All subsequent prints have failed, filament stops extruding, print runs to 100%. Around 56 hours of printing, no environmental changes, tried different filaments and files.

Temperatures are fine, spent $95 on Prusa extruder plastics and a new nozzle. Idler screws adjusted, filament sensor cleaned, gears aligned, firmware updated, every print fails. Please don't ask if the filament is binding in the roll.

Prints stop extruding at various levels of completion.

Because of the complete suddenness of failures, can't believe it is "heat creep". It has to be software or hardware?

Working with one good tech guy, others have me going in circles, pass me off or ask "for a video"

Looking for any help, thanks.

This topic was modified 6 months temu by Thembi
Opublikowany : 27/08/2024 1:30 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mk4 Mid-print filament stops feeding, print continues

Prusa sent a replacement extruder moter, problem solved!!! Thank you!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 

Opublikowany : 03/09/2024 11:30 pm
iftibashir polubić