Fix for First Layer Issues & Filament Stuck on MK4S with MMU3
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Fix for First Layer Issues & Filament Stuck on MK4S with MMU3  

Active Member
Fix for First Layer Issues & Filament Stuck on MK4S with MMU3

Hi everyone,

I recently tackled some problems with my new MK4S and MMU3. My first layers were rippling because the nozzle was too low, and my filament kept getting stuck, triggering the filament detection alarm.

After trying a few fixes like adjusting the idler tension, tightening the XY belts, and changing the nozzle—none of which worked—I finally solved it by adjusting the Z offset to +0.06mm. This completely fixed the first layer and the stuck filament issues.

I'm sharing this here to help anyone facing the same problems and to find out if others have had similar experiences or have other solutions to suggest.


Posted : 20/03/2025 11:32 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Fix for First Layer Issues & Filament Stuck on MK4S with MMU3

Long thread on Github:

Well-known problem even though apparently many people are not affected by it so it's unclear what's causing it. In my case, I see it on all my MK4S's but have never seen it on my XL (with essentially the same extruder technology). No word from Prusa.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 21/03/2025 12:07 pm
AD liked
Estimable Member
RE: Fix for First Layer Issues & Filament Stuck on MK4S with MMU3

I set Z-offset to +0.04 on everything I print on the Mk4s.

Posted : 21/03/2025 3:01 pm
AD and FoxRun3D liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Fix for First Layer Issues & Filament Stuck on MK4S with MMU3

Given the recurring nature of this problem across different setups, I think it would be extremely beneficial if Prusa could implement a feature that allows us to permanently save the Z offset adjustment directly on the printer.

Posted : 21/03/2025 11:46 pm
LarGriff liked
Illustrious Member
RE: Fix for First Layer Issues & Filament Stuck on MK4S with MMU3

Well, you can set it in the slicer as a permanent offset and save that profile. But that's just a bandaid and not a solution. Plus, at least for me it wouldn't do me much good as my offsets for PLA vs PETG/ASA vs TPU are different.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 21/03/2025 11:48 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Fix for First Layer Issues & Filament Stuck on MK4S with MMU3

Yeah, I’ve been doing the same in PrusaSlicer, but the issue is that it sometimes resets after updates. That’s why I think having the ability to save the Z offset directly in the printer firmware—so it persists even after reboots—would be ideal.

Posted : 21/03/2025 11:51 pm
LarGriff liked