14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.
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14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.  

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RE: 14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.

" I guess I'm at a loss as to what benefit a thread of constant complaining will achieve. "

Trying to improve the situation because I think we all love our Prusa printers.

Prusa must react and improve, and it is not going to be with conformist customers who swallow with any problem, with silences, with “I sell you something” but “it is not in stock for about 4 months”. (here Prusa XL founders should have a monument to patience).

If we all keep quiet, what good does that do to improve things? If I find the situation outrageous, it is precisely because I see what is happening with PRUSA nowadays, and I would not like to see it disappear by continuing with the same mistakes of the past over and over again.

If There is OCTOPRINT in MK4  is cause lots of users,  claimed in prusa forums and Github.  At the start, they have not implemented the basic "gcodes" trying to get people use "prusa online services" ......

Posted by: @brian-12

I have a few MK3S+, MK4S and XL.   Have thousands of hours of printing and have modified nothing, all stock parts. 

Did I have to wait... yes.

Are the printers perfect.....no

We're there improvements that came over time.... Yes. 

I accept that.  If that doesn't sit well with you then there are literally hundred of other options out there for 3D printers.

If you already placed an order and don't want to wait I'm sure you can cancel your order.  

I guess I'm at a loss as to what benefit a thread of constant complaining will achieve. 

Sorry if anyone finds this offensive, I just felt it needed to be said.


Publié : 28/09/2024 5:20 pm
Trusted Member
RE: 14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.

If you generally mean to inform and protect Prusa from their own ruin, you might consider sharing your suggestions directly with them, rather than complaining on this user forum that they neither monitor nor communicate over.


Publié : 28/09/2024 9:02 pm
ScottW a aimé
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:

This is what I have done in the past, both via Ticket and Github.  (in 3 different problems).  

Github 3
Problem:  False Hotend Readings in all my 3xMk3S+.  The video is hilarious. 
The hotend temperature sensor, goes in less than 2 second from being 235 to 242 to 248 and back to 240. (False readings) . Same problem on 3 different printers with 3 different 104GT-2 sensors. (Original from Prusa,  Original from E3D and  TriangleLabs GT2)   (and also with new cable direct from the GT2 to the Mainboard not passing with the rest of the cables)   

Also without solution.  But this one dont scares me...... Are false readings and the temperature seems to be stable  (Measured with a professional Thermal Camera). 

When I said above that the technical service is not what it used to be, I said it with reason. Or maybe I have had the three problems mentioned above in my THREE Mk3S+ purchased more than 1 year apart each .......... I don't believe in coincidences, I believe in facts.

As an aside, to think that PRUSA does not control what is written on their forums, on THEIR server, is to err on the side of naivety. 
In a Live Event,  one of the Tech Boys from Prusa  asked Joseph about the "octoprint" support that lot of users where asking in the forums.   


Posted by: @teamd3dp

If you generally mean to inform and protect Prusa from their own ruin, you might consider sharing your suggestions directly with them, rather than complaining on this user forum that they neither monitor nor communicate over.



Publié : 29/09/2024 12:20 am
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