14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.
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14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.  

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Estimable Member

They probably got more orders then they had inventory.  Thus they need to produce more upgrade kits.

They are not going to start taking printer kits and assembled printers apart to ship your order. 

Plus unless your printer is broken you can still print.  

I say have patience.  They'll make good.

Posted : 10/09/2024 1:48 am
ScottW liked
Active Member
RE: 14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.


Posted by: @teamd3dp

Is there anything keeping you guys from cancelling your orders and placing them later when the anxiety clearly caused by a time gap between ordering and receiving has been reduced?

No there isn't. And it is what people should do. There is no way its right for them to charge my card under the statement they are going to ship my order on the 9th. Then sit on that money for 3 months. If I wanted to fund a Kickstarter, I'd go fund a Kickstarter. They should not be taking money before they are shipping product unless its clearly spelled out. 

Posted by: @sembazuru

As others have said, if you had ordered when the MK4->MK4S upgrade kits were announced on 2023-08-12, you would be getting your upgrade kit about now. I didn't get around to pulling the trigger until 2023-08-20 and according to the shipping schedule (as of today) I shouldn't expect my kit to start shipping until at least Nov 4

It wouldn't be a problem if that shipping schedule (or even a hint of one) had been published or customers made aware of it prior to placing their order. 

Posted : 10/09/2024 1:59 am
Estimable Member
RE: 14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.
Posted by: @that0neguy

 There is no way its right for them to charge my card under the statement they are going to ship my order on the 9th. Then sit on that money for 3 months. If I wanted to fund a Kickstarter, I'd go fund a Kickstarter.

I am generally on the side of Prusa here...  Let's face it, this is a *minor* upgrade, so it isn't like "life or death" if it isn't delivered right away.  And this is pretty typical for all their new releases:  The first "batch" of orders go out on the release date, and the rest get backlogged.  That's a condition I am willing to accept for what I perceive as other benefits of buying Prusa.

But having said all that...  I have to agree with @thatoneguy in that Prusa should not be taking funds months ahead of their ability to ship a minor upgrade kit. Maybe that's needed for a major new printer release, but certainly not for a minor upgrade like this.  It is customary to charge at time of shipment, not when the order is taken, and I would encourage Prusa to embrace that model of modern online commerce.

Posted : 10/09/2024 2:18 am
that0neguy and Brian liked
Trusted Member
RE: 14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.

In a surprising turn of events, my kit showed up today, instead of Wednesday as FedEx had originally scheduled.  The PC-CF parts are many, and they are really nicely printed.  They even include a Y axis belt clamp and tensioner, I assume since it's close to the print bed.  All of the idler arm, filament path parts are included as well, and look perfect.  I had reprinted those early on when a spool of PETG was getting twisted during print jobs.  These new parts in PC-CF look at least as good as the ones I printed at .15 structural.  

I'll be hoping to work on it this weekend.  I wanted to start right away but my son needed the printer for a small model he whipped up this afternoon, so the upgrade can wait.


Posted : 10/09/2024 3:06 am
Eminent Member
RE: 14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.

I understand that such a minor update has a much lower priority in sales than the sale of new devices and kits!

But the point is:

1.) At the time of the order, the delivery time was still given as "from 09.09.24", although PRUSA must have known at the time that there would be a significant delay until the beginning of October. But the customer was not notified of the delay.

2.) At the time of the order, the purchase price was charged directly. If a delivery delay was already expected, the purchase price should not have been charged until the time of dispatch.

At least that is how I imagine fair treatment of customers.

Posted : 10/09/2024 6:28 am
that0neguy and Mike1D liked
Active Member
RE: 14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.

I ordered the same day you did.  I agree with other posters that there is a lot that Prusa does, like these upgrades at very reasonable prices and not obsolescing our printers, which is best in class.  Still, I should not have been told a shipping date with such confidence, only to find out it had been changed to 14 weeks later, not because I received an apologetic note from Prusa, but because I found a post in the forum. 

In many ways, Prusa is a world-class company, but this is nowhere close.

Posted : 12/09/2024 12:19 am
SweetRide liked
Honorable Member
RE: 14 weeks for MK4 to MK4s feels like an insult to the people who put their trust in mk4. Mk4s in stock and Mk4s Kit in Stock.

I feel your pain - takes me back to when the MK4 was released and shipping times kept slipping without any notice!

ORIGINAL PRUSA MK4 KIT - Full step-by-step video assembly guide!

>ORIGINAL PRUSA MINI+ Full video assembly guide!

Posted : 12/09/2024 10:10 am
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