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14 minute speedboat benchy slicing profiles  

14 minute speedboat benchy slicing profiles

Does anyone know if the slicing profiles used for slicing the 14 minute speedboat benchy demo are publicly available? I've been trying to find out if they're available anywhere, because I'd love to have an insane speed draft profile with that kind of quality, and creating one myself sounds like a bit of a pain.

Best Answer by JoanTabb:

Can you import the settings from the demonstration files on the Memory pen. into slicer? 
If the first file was created in Prusa Slicer this should be possible   
(File>Import>Import config)

regards Joan

Posted : 20/09/2024 7:56 pm
Prominent Member
RE: 14 minute speedboat benchy slicing profiles

The Prusa MK4S USB comes with the Benchy model already on it. I believe there are 2 files on there - an 8min Benchy and a 11min Benchy.

Ive printed the 11min one with no issues at all. 

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Posted : 22/09/2024 10:35 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: 14 minute speedboat benchy slicing profiles

Yes, I know that. I was asking about the profile that was used to slice the benchy. I would like to use that profile for slicing other things for prototyping purposes.

Posted : 30/09/2024 12:59 am
Veteran Member Moderator

Can you import the settings from the demonstration files on the Memory pen. into slicer? 
If the first file was created in Prusa Slicer this should be possible   
(File>Import>Import config)

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 30/09/2024 8:17 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: 14 minute speedboat benchy slicing profiles

Thank you for this tip! I wasn't aware that configurations could be imported directly from gcode files

Posted : 30/09/2024 12:51 pm
Reputable Member
RE: 14 minute speedboat benchy slicing profiles

There is no USB pen in the MK4S upgrade kit! 😫 

- Where can I find the 11 min Mk4S Benchy original PRUSA gcode ?


Posted : 06/10/2024 3:28 pm
Active Member
RE: 14 minute speedboat benchy slicing profiles

Try this help file:

Posted : 06/10/2024 6:12 pm
Turnpike and Antimix liked
Eminent Member
RE: 14 minute speedboat benchy slicing profiles

Thanks @cejones2!  I had been looking for the MK4S files as well.

Why Prusa cannot make each printer's default commerce page a one-stop hopping off point to all resources, files, add-ons, etc., is just beyond me.  I feel like I am on a treasure hunt finding information that should be consolidated in each products e-commerce page.

Thanks again.

Posted : 07/10/2024 12:43 am
Reputable Member
RE: 14 minute speedboat benchy slicing profiles

I downloaded and printed the Benchy with PLA Prusament Gravity Gray and the Satin sheet.

Unfortunately at 90% of the print, the benchy was shaked to much and detached... 😭 

I think 55° for the bed (on the gcode) is a little too low for a good adhesion.

I will add another note. Now in my room there are now around 20°, and in the last two prints I noted that the PLA bent at bed level (it never happened during summer with PRUSAMENT), and partially detached from the bed.😯 

When those things happen, I always thing to buy a CORE-XY printer .... 😫  no shakes.


Posted : 11/10/2024 3:01 pm