X Axis Fails preflight however the printer works great?!
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X Axis Fails preflight however the printer works great?!  

Josh Owens
X Axis Fails preflight however the printer works great?!

Mks3s+ > 4S upgrade

X axis fail prelight, its the only error. The hot end can move freely to both extremes of the X Gantry.

The hotend moves left bounces off the end several times, then goes all the way to the right. Fails.

The bed makes a similar dance but is a success. all cables have been checked are seated well on the love board.
cord from love board has been re seated.
Used app to tune the x belt

I'm at a loss, any ideas?

Respondido : 27/09/2024 2:56 am
Honorable Member

Check the heads on the zip ties to make sure they are not touching the PSU. If the zip tie heads are not tucked in far enough and hit the PSU it will cause a calibration error. 

Watch from 12:30 in this video:

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Respondido : 27/09/2024 2:41 pm