Upgrade from MK3S+ to MK4S - misaligned y-axis belt
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[Gelöst] Upgrade from MK3S+ to MK4S - misaligned y-axis belt  

Upgrade from MK3S+ to MK4S - misaligned y-axis belt

Hello everyone. I am assembling my MK4S. I have encountered with problem on y-axis. The belt is strongly misligned against y-axis motor as you can see on the picture. The belt is misaligned about 5mm, so it is too big misalignment to correct it by adjusting belt pulley. I have tried to press the belt more into y belt holder but it is as deep as possible. Alignment of the belt on the side of LCD display is OK, so I think the main problem is incorrect position of y-axis motor. I would like to ask you if you have similar problem. Is there any solution of this problem? I think that y axis motor holder has improper position of mounting holes for mounting to the frame.

Veröffentlicht : 23/09/2024 9:48 pm
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Upgrade from MK3S+ to MK4S - misaligned y-axis belt

Problem solved, the pulley on y-axis motor was in reversed position. Thank you.

Veröffentlicht : 23/09/2024 9:57 pm