Too much part cooling after upgrade from mk4 to mk4s?
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Too much part cooling after upgrade from mk4 to mk4s?  

Active Member
Too much part cooling after upgrade from mk4 to mk4s?

Anyone having issues with parts warping and pulling up off the bed? I have a model that I have successfully printed several times with the mk4 that now don't adhere to the bed properly after upgrading to the mk4s. My model has a narrow "arm" on the first layer that now warps up off the bed after printing ~3.5mm in the Z axis. This is also the "floor" of my model. I suspect its due to the extra cooling since that is the only real change with the upgrade besides the CHT nozzle.

Clearly I can fix this by changing the model or adding a brim, but I'm wondering if any other users are seeing similar issues.  Im aslo testing with a min fan speed of 35% instead of 75% to see if there is any improvement.

The material is Prusament PLA on the smooth PEI sheet (i have also tried with Jessie filament from Printed Solid)

Default slicer settings except I prefer gyroid infill. I attached a 3mf if anyone wants to take a look.


Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 hours von yossarianmtu
Veröffentlicht : 25/10/2024 6:02 am