Stuck in a cart-before-the-horse situation with a new MK4S & MMU3 initial start-up...
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Stuck in a cart-before-the-horse situation with a new MK4S & MMU3 initial start-up...  

Stuck in a cart-before-the-horse situation with a new MK4S & MMU3 initial start-up...

MK4S & MMU3 pre-built unit arrived, assembled the MMU3 hardware and reached the first time turning on the printer stage...  Printer initialization started, self-test of bed heater, nozzle sensor / heat, X, Y, Z axis, etc...  Got to the last stage of the set-up where you're asked to feed filament to test / calibrate the sensor.  I can't feed filament through the MMU3 to the print head because the MMU3 isn't active -- I go into settings and see it's disabled, but when I go to enable it, it tells me I can't until the filament sensor test is completed.

I feel like I'm back in the early 90s trying to install a CD ROM drive, only to find out the drivers for it are included on a CD ROM!

How can I finish the filament sensor test / calibration without a powered MMU3?  Do I force the MMU3's selection head manually in an attempt to get the filament to feed to the head, or do I have to rip the pre-installed feeder tube from the printhead to shove filament in?   

Postato : 30/08/2024 6:09 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Stuck in a cart-before-the-horse situation with a new MK4S & MMU3 initial start-up...

Calibration of the filament sensor on the printer is done without MMU3 enabled! Disconnect the tube leading from the Nextruder to the MMU and insert a piece of filament directly into Nextruder for calibration purposes.


Postato : 01/09/2024 7:19 am