New MK4s Kit build - MCU overheating error & Y-axis drift with first ASA print in enclosure
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New MK4s Kit build - MCU overheating error & Y-axis drift with first ASA print in enclosure  

New Member
New MK4s Kit build - MCU overheating error & Y-axis drift with first ASA print in enclosure


I've just finished assembling my MK4s build, stepping up from by trusted MK3(s)(+) ...
I am using an enclosure, because I am often printing materials like ASA and PC Blend.
My first print was a Filament guide ( ... the V4 Version)

While Printing this using ASA I've encountered and error message after approx. one hour of printing "MCU in Buddy is overheated, likely due to exceeding ...". After a short break the print could be resumed and finished.
On top of that, surprise, surprise, after removing the part from the print sheet I've discovered, that the vertical edges (Y-Axis) are curved (drift ?), while the X-Axis edged are perfectly straight. 

Any advice ???

Thanks in advance.
Best Regards

print orientation Error Message shot from side (Y-axis)

Veröffentlicht : 08/09/2024 11:47 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: New MK4s Kit build - MCU overheating error & Y-axis drift with first ASA print in enclosure

Hi Again,

after reading some older posts, I've disassembled and reassembled the Y-Axis drive/belt assembly and re-tensioned the belt. Now the Y-drift is gone. So the fault was on my side.

Regarding the heat issue ... the MCU reached 77°C after 40 minutes of printing. So a longer print likely would have led to "overtemp" again ...

I am really curious what can be done to lower the temps for the electronics, when printing in an enclosure.

Best Regards



Veröffentlicht : 08/09/2024 5:49 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: New MK4s Kit build - MCU overheating error & Y-axis drift with first ASA print in enclosure

Hi Again,
I just wanted to share the reply of the Prusa support regarding the overheating issue. I won't comment on that, judge Yourself ...
Best Regards


Hello Rene,
Is the printer in the original Prusa enclosure or in a custom one? If it's a different enclosure, I can't be sure if there is enough airflow to prevent overheating, so I would advise to extract the printer from it.Kind regards,

Veröffentlicht : 09/09/2024 5:55 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member

I had the same problem last year with overheating of the xBuddy board. I then made this:

This fan will lower the board temp during an ASA print by about 20 °C. I never had an overheating error again since I have been using it. I have the Original Prusa Enclosure on my MK4, but I guess the type or make of the enclosure is not important for this solution.
The original thread for this problem here in the forum was this, perhaps you will find more useful info there:

Veröffentlicht : 09/09/2024 9:06 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: New MK4s Kit build - MCU overheating error & Y-axis drift with first ASA print in enclosure

Hi !
thanks for pointing to the model and to the thread. I've already found both yesterday, downloaded the model and ordered the necessary parts plus a heatsink. So I will try that solution on the weekend.
The support from Prusa still claims that there are no heat issues with the Prusa enclosure, only with customs ones ... so no help can be expected from that side. Even though I pointed out to them that also people using the Prusa enclosure see overheating issues.

Best Regards

Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2024 5:32 pm
Active Member
RE: New MK4s Kit build - MCU overheating error & Y-axis drift with first ASA print in enclosure

I just made this model:

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2025 2:01 pm