Heatsink fan cooling filament too much causing clogging
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Heatsink fan cooling filament too much causing clogging  

Active Member
Heatsink fan cooling filament too much causing clogging


Hey folks,

Just recently assembled MK4S kit and noticed that the the Heatsink fan is going full blast (almost 8000rpm). Not only it's annoyingly loud, sounds like a blower, it also, by the looks of it cooling the heatbreak too much and causing clogging when printing with PLA. Seems to be better with PETG or FLEX (what I've tried so far) maybe due to the higher temp required, so it's less of an issue.

It seems odd that the fan is doing that. I was on a support chat for a while and now I'm talking to the support over the email, but they reply every 3 days now.

So far we checked thermistors, both seems fine. 

I was wondering if anyone has had a similar issue and can help?

I'll attach a couple of videos with MK4s and MK3.5 with the nozzle up to temp (220C) and you'll hear the difference.

This topic was modified před 1 month 2 times by Comp
Napsal : 24/02/2025 9:17 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Heatsink fan cooling filament too much causing clogging

Couldn't figure out how to add a video, so just posted them on YT.




Napsal : 24/02/2025 9:28 am