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First prints spaghetti monster  

First prints spaghetti monster

Just finished the assembly of the Prusa MK4S kit. No huge issues, the assembly process went without incident. Upon setup, performed successful calibration and did not notice any issues there. The first prints, however, not going so well. I have tried 3 prints of "bonkers" benchy and one print of "rule" benchy... can't seem to get a successful print. All of these prints seem to go spaghetti monster about the same point. The models are staying adhered to the bed as far as I can tell, definitely have to pry them off the bed when stopped. I have tried a few of the common troubleshooting recommendations, to include: increased bed temp by 5 degrees, slowed down the print to 80%, re-cleaned the bed (even though I don't think its a first-layer adhesion issue), and tried a different filament. Please see the photo attached with the attempted prints. The one in the photo with only a few layers was the "rule" benchy. Any thoughts on what might be causing the issues? 

Thanks in advance.


Benchy attempts

Napsal : 15/09/2024 1:44 am
RE: First prints spaghetti monster

I feel your pain, Sunrunner.  I, too, thought that making a Benchy was a good idea as a first print.  I tried printing the RulesBenchy with similar results (twice), possibly worse.  Using the pre-sliced RulesBenchy, I watched with amazement as the printer started out printing like a "bat out of hell".  Wow!  However, all of the layers were shifting towards the rear of the build plate, eventually resulting on spaghetti as the printer was trying to print on air.

Next, I tried printing the keychain and had no problems.  The speed was notably slower.

I'm not sure yet why the RulesBenchy wouldn't print.  It might help if Prusa gave us some explanation of what a RulesBenchy and a BonkersBenchy actually are.  These appear to be pre-sliced with "ludicrous speed" baked in.  I'm sure the failures have something to do with the insane acceleration... but why include them unless they will actually print?

(Note:  My attempts were with the firmware included on the USB drive, which is 6.1.2+7894)

Napsal : 18/09/2024 1:52 pm