Filament gets stuck repeatedly during printing
Hello all,
I recently upgraded my MK4 to MK4S. It's located in an official Prusa Enclosure. I'm currently using official PLA or PETG from Prusa.
While I was happy with the MK4 reliability and print quality, I had recurring issues with the MK4S immediately after the upgrade with the filament getting stucked/jammed ("bloqué" in the french messages displayed on the LCD) randomly during the prints. The prints are paused, then I have to intervene to proceed with an unload-reload of the filament before being able to resume the print (I'm grateful for that feature that saves my prints, but not without some traces or stringings).
Before the upgrade the printer was not equiped with that silicon sock on the hotend. The two screws with the springs that tense the idler seem to be set correctly (i.e. the screws are flush with the plastic part).
I wonder what can cause that issue: is it too hot in the enclosure, with the silicone on? Does it come from that new hotend? Does the idler adjustment too soft or too stiff? Is there some firmware bug?
I already tried to print with the enclosure doors open.
Has anyone encountered this problem, or have any idea on what could cause it?
RE: Filament gets stuck repeatedly during printing
- I am having this problem with my 4s too. But when I reload it stops after about 20 seconds. It rendered my machine useless. It's never completed a print. I think my sensor is no good cause it only registers a filament in there if I jam it in with pliers and even then it only works about 1 time out of 20. Many broken bits of filament and a very expensive machine that I bought because it's supposed to never fail. And it's never succeeded
RE: Filament gets stuck repeatedly during printing
I had the Same issue today. with about 15 stuck filament errors during one print. I have the printer since september, first time this issue occures.
RE: Filament gets stuck repeatedly during printing
I am also experiencing the same problem, a "Stuck filament error", which is not solved when unloading and reloading the filament. Initially I thought it was due to me using a 2kg spool of filament from a reprack. I thought the spool was too heavy and pulling filament off it was putting too much strain on the machine - nope. Tested a 1kg spool on the Prusa spool holder and I get the same error. However, I only got this when using PETG, PLA seems fine.
RE: Filament gets stuck repeatedly during printing
I've been printing just fine for a week, but had a weird issue where it shifted everything +Y by 10mm, then devolved into a string mess. After that, I can't get it to finish a print without getting a stuck filament error. I just produced three bonkers benchies with the default galaxy black pla, and all three gave me the stuck filament error on exactly the same layer. Weird.
I went back to the normal, not high speed, nozzle and all is gine again. I mostly print PETG.