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Do I really need a new heatbed for the MK3 to MK4 upgrade
Missed that when I ordered my upgrade kit and I'm not that excited about buying another heatbed. Any idea why they think the heatbed needs to be changed? Are the wires on the MK4 longer or have a different lug on the control board end?
Seems like it should be possible to solder new wires on in any case (with a big enough iron)
Opublikowany : 29/10/2024 12:36 am
Hm, when we upgraded our MK3S+ to 4 we did not have to change the heatbed. Maybe the 3S+ has a newer heatbed that the 3S did not have? But the wires to the heatbed aren't soldered at all, they are fastened with (standard) screws...
Having said that, we were asked about our connection to the mainboard, so I guess there is some difference.
Also, we had to exchange the sensor. The new sensor came with the upgrade kit.
This post was modified 2 months temu by Oliver
Opublikowany : 18/11/2024 9:09 am