Youtube videos using Prusa GPIO Hackerboard
I've started making YouTube videos about Prusa GPIO Hackerboard.
So far there's some basic info and a first use in the form of capturing time-lapse aka stop motion videos from the printing on the Prusa MK4S.
Later there will be even more usage examples and various explanations of the wiring.
I'll be very happy if you take a look at the videos and possibly recommend other topics.
Links to my playlists are below:
If you know of any other videos, I would be happy for any links and recommendations.
Gpio board could be used for air filtrations or triggering lights if the printer needs attention, or waiting for the pin state to be set to continue the board such as print farm and bed is removed/back in the place to print sequentially.
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.