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Variable Layer Height gunchies
I'm trying clean up the stair step effect seen in the right most print. It is a .2mm print with a .4mm nozzle, input shaper, FW 5.1.2. That stair step isn't really erroneous, it just doesn't look that great. So I tried the variable layer feature. For the middle print, I slammed the layer height as fine as it would go once it got to the bowl shaped portion of the model. For the left-most model, I just reset everything and hit the adaptive layer height button. The slicer created a graph that varies all over the place. But the surface finish of both is just awful.
Any suggestions on how I might get a cleaner finish to the bowl portion?
Napsal : 29/12/2023 3:35 am
You will need to post process. a combination of filler or resin and abrasive paper will do it.
Napsal : 29/12/2023 8:27 am