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strange problem I can't fix  

Trusted Member
strange problem I can't fix

I've printed a few of this and this never happened. Using pla and all I've tweaked is slowed the print speed down.
It is half of a deer call and this end is lifting off the table. 

at first I thought it was an adhesion issue so I washed the table with hot water and dawn detergent, then cleaned it with IPA and it still did it.

I took a close look at the print and it appears one of the perimeter "laps" is crossing over the other ones. It doesn't do it on the other end of the model though.

Any suggestions on why it's doing that and how to fix it?

Opublikowany : 19/12/2023 6:13 pm
Famed Member
RE: strange problem I can't fix

The best way to get good advice here is to save your project from PrusaSlicer as a 3mf project file, then use your OS's compress utility to zip-compress it. Then click on the the attach file button under the text edit field here in this forum to upload the file. It has to be zip compressed or for reasons nobody understands the forum software will reject it. The 3mf file contains the STL but also all your settings, so folks here can check everything for problematic settings.

Much more useful than a picture that only tells part of the story.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 19/12/2023 8:18 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: strange problem I can't fix

I won't admit I knew that..brb. 😳 

Posted by: @fuchsr

The best way to get good advice here is to save your project from PrusaSlicer as a 3mf project file, then use your OS's compress utility to zip-compress it. Then click on the the attach file button under the text edit field here in this forum to upload the file. It has to be zip compressed or for reasons nobody understands the forum software will reject it. The 3mf file contains the STL but also all your settings, so folks here can check everything for problematic settings.

Much more useful than a picture that only tells part of the story.


Opublikowany : 19/12/2023 9:09 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: strange problem I can't fix

here it is..hopefully.

Opublikowany : 20/12/2023 5:08 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: strange problem I can't fix

not sure why it isn't uploading the file. I zipped it.

Opublikowany : 21/12/2023 11:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: strange problem I can't fix

It looks like you have attached a 3mf model file rather than the requested Prusa Slicer Project file.  While they are both the same file format the contents are quite different. 

When you load in a 3mf from something else you just get the part geometry.  SO when I loaded your 3mf the part was standing on end, not placed like in your pictures.  A PS project 3mf contains the parts too, but also everything else, like placement, modifiers if any, all the settings from the 3 profiles you are using etc.  It is those settings and part placement that are the key to debugging an issue.


Opublikowany : 22/12/2023 11:01 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: strange problem I can't fix

when I check the properties of that file it shows the file type as prusa slicer 3mf. I think I exported it to my desktop..would that cause the problem?
I saved it as a project this time. fingers crossed it works.

Opublikowany : 22/12/2023 4:54 pm

Czy model,  nie powinien przypadkiem leżeć płasko na stole ??




This post was modified 9 months temu by SidSysunia
Opublikowany : 22/12/2023 8:10 pm
george polubić
Illustrious Member
RE: strange problem I can't fix

Yes it should lie flat to the bed to print properly.  That's the obvious reason why the OP is having trouble, the part is not flat to the bed and at a slight angle with the left side being raised slightly.  Using the place to bed tool and slicing gives the expected slice.

Opublikowany : 23/12/2023 2:23 pm
george polubić
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: strange problem I can't fix

I've stumbled around in the slicer program looking for a way to get the model flat on the table but can't find one so I've been trying to eye ball it but when I turn the table completely horizontal it disappears.

Posted by: @neophyl

Yes it should lie flat to the bed to print properly.  That's the obvious reason why the OP is having trouble, the part is not flat to the bed and at a slight angle with the left side being raised slightly.  Using the place to bed tool and slicing gives the expected slice.


Opublikowany : 23/12/2023 11:40 pm
Famed Member
RE: strange problem I can't fix

The lie flat tool is activated by the F key. It shows all flat surfaces, and by clicking on one it rotates the model to lie flat on that surface. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 24/12/2023 1:03 am
Illustrious Member
RE: strange problem I can't fix

I think you need to review the basics, start at the Prusa Slicer knowledge base  

especially   for the UI overview.  

Opublikowany : 24/12/2023 1:17 am
george polubić
RE: strange problem I can't fix

Opublikowany : 24/12/2023 9:54 am
george polubić
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: strange problem I can't fix

on odd occasions I have had failures with the place on Face tool, when trying to correct a model which is nearly flat ( just a couple of degrees off flat). in those instances, I found that selecting a completely different face to be  flat on the bed, and then re selecting the preferred face, resulted in success
regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 24/12/2023 11:00 am
george polubić
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: strange problem I can't fix

Thanks folks. After I posted my reply I started messing around in the program and figured it out. 

I had clicked on that tool before but didn't touch the model because I didn't want to mess it up. lol

Tried printing the deer call last night and it printed just fine.


Opublikowany : 24/12/2023 2:27 pm