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shift or warp?  

shift or warp?

Have only been printing 6 months - have a lot to learn. Keep getting this print error on large part - here in bottom left the corner looks like it shifted out. Note - there is lots of support to get part into print area on diag. I think it may be due to warping as it cools on one side as the printer goes to print all supports on far end of part before coming back but not sure. 

MK4 using Prusament PLA Galaxy Black. 15% infill. 

Posted : 18/06/2024 3:49 am
Reputable Member
RE: shift or warp?

1. If it is a shift, all is shifted, so the complete layer (and all what comes on top of it, will be moved sidewards). On the image I cannot see that. 
2. It is hard to see if it is warped (from the viewing edge the image is made). So could surely be. 
3. Because of the angle of the toplayers, it could be you have not enough toplayers. Toplayers are shifted a little bit to eachother, so they only have a very small attachment.  More toplayers will surely help a bit, (also maybe use variable layerthickness (icon in topmenu)) 

Some questions: 
- why do you use so many supports? Give the object a bigger angle and place it on 45 degrees. 
And use supportpainting where you need it,  (there is a tool to see the where the overhang is).
organic support need less filament. 

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Posted : 18/06/2024 7:17 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: shift or warp?

Thanks @eef - I put it on a more severe angle and it fixed the problem, didnt quite get to 45 degrees but maxxed out the z axis print space and solved the problem. Thanks for taking time to respond.

Posted : 15/07/2024 2:26 pm
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