Prusaslicer 2.7.3 - MK4 layer shifts in Y direction
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Prusaslicer 2.7.3 - MK4 layer shifts in Y direction  

Prusaslicer 2.7.3 - MK4 layer shifts in Y direction

Hi, on multiple prints, with a new mk4, I get Y layer shifts on SOME prints, not all...

Seems 2.7.3 does not yet fix the known issue?

This topic was modified 6 months temu by Luc
Opublikowany : 31/03/2024 6:59 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusaslicer 2.7.3 - MK4 layer shifts in Y direction

Me too. What material are you using ? What layer height are you using? What infill type/% are you using? What temperature.

I have seen positive Y axis failures at random heights Prusament PETG, .15 layer with a .25 nozzle, gyroid infill @ 40%, standard temps from MK4IS profile for PETG.

My MK4 kit has 100+ hours. Random failure as described, always positive Y axis failure.

My theory, is the think layer height is the culprit along with a standard retraction height. Thinking that an infill glob is causing a nozzle crash. 

Raised the retraction height,  ramped the retraction, increased layer height to .2mm, no failure yet.

Belt tension is good, XYZ axis calibration is good. Using PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 MK4 firmware is 5.1.3


Opublikowany : 06/04/2024 2:04 pm