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PETG Printing Troubles  

Trusted Member
PETG Printing Troubles

I have been having issues with low adhesion using POlymaker PETG.  I have had some issues with input shaper, using the speed settings. I've had some success without input shaper, then had the issues return.

I have also had success printing with other PETGs, similar parts, and PLA parts. Though I have had issues with fast input shaper for the past couple of months that I haven't been able to fix.

I am finding that many prints fails due to the extruded plastic not sticking where it is laid down, and pulling away. Or just low adhesion. I've raised the bed temps, that seems to have solved the first layer adhesion issues. I've messed with retention settings, and had decent results using the Make Zine Test retration print. But when I print larger parts I have this problem. I've reduced the volumetric speeds, reduced the fan speed, played with a temp tower to find a strong setting for this filament with nozzle temps, and adjusted other settings to improve the quality of the print.

But my success ratio as I try to print my larger part, goes to zero using polymaker PETG.

Any chance someone with medium size polymaker petg print experience on a MK4 could look at my prints and make any suggestions? I may just order some Prusament PETG. I have a donated reel of PETG from hatchbox which I have in my dehydrator now. I have already dehydrated the Polymaker stuff.

Is there a way to export my settings for a couple jobs and have someone take a look at them?


Postato : 17/08/2024 8:12 pm
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: PETG Printing Troubles

Cannot help with the main problem, but exporting the setting, just save from the slicer as a 3mf file. You will need to zip that file before uploading here. Then someone with more experience than me can grab it.

But when you post that file let us know which plate you are printing on and how you clean it.

Postato : 17/08/2024 8:41 pm
Famed Member
RE: PETG Printing Troubles

I've given up using input shaper with PETG, any brand. Works fine with PLA but PETG no bueno. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Postato : 17/08/2024 8:46 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG Printing Troubles

I have printed on both satin and smooth (with and without glue stick). From temps from 70-90. I seem to have the first layer mostly working, with smooth plate, and 85 deg bed for layer 1. If I lower that, then I have issues. I did see an issue where adhesion became poor along a line on the bottom of the part. I suspect the thermal heat transfer across the plate is inconsistent, so I have to raise the temps to get a lower temp everywhere.
I clean the plate with IPA between prints, and after glue gets gummd up with soap and water.

I am trying again with no input shaper. This is a problem for me because I want to support PRUSA, but since their MMU only comes with IS for the MK4, I don't see any reason to pay for their upgrades. That's limiting my print capabilities.

Postato : 17/08/2024 9:25 pm
Estimable Member
RE: PETG Printing Troubles

Sorry. I have no experience with Polymaker filament.

I only print on the satin sheet, and I never use glue. I occasionally wipe the sheet with IPA . I have had zero issues with Prusament PETG or Printed Solid Jessie PETG sticking to the build plate. I always use the IS profiles and the standard settings for those two brands of PETG.

If you only have issues with one brand of filament and you aren't swimming in inventory, I wouldn't waste my time trying to get it to work.

Postato : 18/08/2024 3:18 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG Printing Troubles

Resolved, turns out it was the filament from Polymaker. I recently was given some Hatchbox leftover filament.  I dried it a couple hours, and hit print on that tough model and it turned out great. No messing around with settings, etc.

Postato : 24/08/2024 2:04 pm
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